Talent management process in Asia: a multiple case study
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine talent management process in a region that
has been influenced by Eastern culture. Design/methodology/approach This research is a …
has been influenced by Eastern culture. Design/methodology/approach This research is a …
Competencies displayed by multinational corporation senior managers in critical business situations
Purpose This research investigates the types of critical business situations worked on by
multinational corporations' senior managers and the competencies they employ to achieve …
multinational corporations' senior managers and the competencies they employ to achieve …
Ambiguous decolonisation: A postcolonial reading of the IHRM strategy of the Burmah Oil company
This article uses the lens of postcolonial theory to determine the extent to which colonial
features persisted in the organisational culture of the Burmah Oil Company (BOC) after …
features persisted in the organisational culture of the Burmah Oil Company (BOC) after …
Navigating global HR challenges and safeguarding long-term sustainability: Examining the influence of IHRM practices and IT-based challenges on MNCs' …
This research delves into the dynamic shifts in human resource management strategies
prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It investigates the mediating influence of information …
prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It investigates the mediating influence of information …
International competitive strategies and human resources management: Emerging issues and challenges
E Triantafillidou - European Journal of Human Resource Management …, 2020 - oapub.org
The rapid increase of multinational companies over the last years created the need to
understand better the development, diffusion and implementation of international …
understand better the development, diffusion and implementation of international …
Global mindset strategies for increasing hotels' performance
R Donato - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Between 2010 and 2014 there was a 25% increase in international visitors to the United
States, which signifies an opportunity for leaders and managers with a global mindset to …
States, which signifies an opportunity for leaders and managers with a global mindset to …
[CARTE][B] International Business: Attitudes and Alternatives
A Sitkin - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This eagerly awaited update of a popular text has been substantially revised and updated to
incorporate developments in the field of International Business. It continues to do so in Alan …
incorporate developments in the field of International Business. It continues to do so in Alan …
Motivational monitoring as a component of effective human resource (HR) strategy of company
V Nykyforenko, V Kravchenko… - Academy of …, 2019 - search.proquest.com
Abstract The approach to Human Resource (HR) management has been justified based on
the change of motivational stimulations during the staff life cycle. It makes possible to …
the change of motivational stimulations during the staff life cycle. It makes possible to …
[PDF][PDF] The role of languages and culture in intercultural business communication
Abstract Language is a means, a medium to understand any message but not the only one.
However, will-ingness to adapt to the other culture and understand the other is …
However, will-ingness to adapt to the other culture and understand the other is …
[HTML][HTML] The Role of Electronic Management of Human Resources on the Quality of Virtual School Education, by the Mediating Role of Teachers' Professional Ethics of …
The main goal of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the quality of virtual
education, which can play an effective role in the academic progress of students, as well as …
education, which can play an effective role in the academic progress of students, as well as …