[HTML][HTML] Linking pollution and cancer in aquatic environments: A review
Due to the interconnectedness of aquatic ecosystems through the highly effective marine
and atmospheric transport routes, all aquatic ecosystems are potentially vulnerable to …
and atmospheric transport routes, all aquatic ecosystems are potentially vulnerable to …
The mystery of cancer resistance: A revelation within nature
DD Trivedi, SK Dalai, SR Bakshi - Journal of Molecular Evolution, 2023 - Springer
Cancer, a disease due to uncontrolled cell proliferation is as ancient as multicellular
organisms. A 255-million-years-old fossilized forerunner mammal gorgonopsian is probably …
organisms. A 255-million-years-old fossilized forerunner mammal gorgonopsian is probably …
Identifying key questions in the ecology and evolution of cancer
The application of evolutionary and ecological principles to cancer prevention and
treatment, as well as recognizing cancer as a selection force in nature, has gained impetus …
treatment, as well as recognizing cancer as a selection force in nature, has gained impetus …
The effect of placentation type, litter size, lactation and gestation length on cancer risk in mammals
Reproduction is a central activity for all living organisms but is also associated with a
diversity of costs that are detrimental for survival. Until recently, the cost of cancer as a …
diversity of costs that are detrimental for survival. Until recently, the cost of cancer as a …
Behavioural ecology meets oncology: quantifying the recovery of animal behaviour to a transient exposure to a cancer risk factor
H Klaassen, S Tissot, J Meliani… - … of the Royal …, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Wildlife is increasingly exposed to sublethal transient cancer risk factors, including
mutagenic substances, which activates their anti-cancer defences, promotes …
mutagenic substances, which activates their anti-cancer defences, promotes …
Sea turtles in the cancer risk landscape: a global meta-analysis of fibropapillomatosis prevalence and associated risk factors
Several cancer risk factors (exposure to ultraviolet-B, pollution, toxins and pathogens) have
been identified for wildlife, to form a “cancer risk landscape.” However, information remains …
been identified for wildlife, to form a “cancer risk landscape.” However, information remains …
Infectious disease and sickness behaviour: tumour progression affects interaction patterns and social network structure in wild Tasmanian devils
Infectious diseases, including transmissible cancers, can have a broad range of impacts on
host behaviour, particularly in the latter stages of disease progression. However, the …
host behaviour, particularly in the latter stages of disease progression. However, the …
Tumors (re) shape biotic interactions within ecosystems: Experimental evidence from the freshwater cnidarian Hydra
While it is often assumed that oncogenic processes in metazoans can influence species
interactions, empirical evidence is lacking. Here, we use the cnidarian Hydra oligactis to …
interactions, empirical evidence is lacking. Here, we use the cnidarian Hydra oligactis to …
Spontaneously occurring tumors in different wild-derived strains of hydra
J Boutry, M Buysse, S Tissot, C Cazevielle… - Scientific Reports, 2023 - nature.com
Hydras are freshwater cnidarians widely used as a biological model to study different
questions such as senescence or phenotypic plasticity but also tumoral development. The …
questions such as senescence or phenotypic plasticity but also tumoral development. The …
Spatial distribution of fibropapillomatosis in green turtles along the Queensland coast and an investigation into the influence of water quality on prevalence
Fibropapillomatosis (FP) is a tumor‐forming disease which affects all species of marine
turtle, but predominantly the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Expression of this disease is …
turtle, but predominantly the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Expression of this disease is …