[PDF][PDF] Fixed point to fixed ellipse in metric spaces and discontinuous activation function

M Joshi, A Tomar, SK Padaliya - Appl. Math. E-Notes, 2021 - kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
We introduce a notion of a fixed ellipse to study the geometric properties of the set of
nonunique fixed points of a discontinuous self map and establish fixed ellipse theorems …

Solution of Nonlinear Integral Equation via Fixed Point of Cyclic -Rational Contraction Map**s in Metric-Like Spaces

HA Hammad, M De la Sen - Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper, we introduce the notions of α _ L^ ψ α L ψ-rational contractive and cyclic α _ L^
ψ α L ψ-rational contractive map**s and establish the existence and uniqueness of fixed …

[HTML][HTML] Generalized Contractive Map**s and Related Results in b-Metric Like Spaces with an Application

HA Hammad, M De la Sen - Symmetry, 2019 - mdpi.com
In this article, a general contractive map** is presented and some fixed point results in
complete b-metric-like spaces are studied. The results obtained here extend and improve …

Application of fixed point theorems in triple bipolar controlled metric space to solve cantilever beam problem

MMA Taleb, VC Borkar - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
In this article, we introduce the notion of triple bipolar controlled metric space and prove
some new fixed point theorems on this space, reformulate the concept of α-admissible …

Further generalization of fixed point theorems in Menger PM-spaces

MA Kutbi, D Gopal, C Vetro, W Sintunavarat - Fixed Point Theory and …, 2015 - Springer
In this work, we establish some fixed point theorems by revisiting the notion of ψ-contractive
map** in Menger PM-spaces. One of our results (namely, Theorem 2.3) may be viewed as …

Some results on best proximity points of cyclic contractions in probabilistic metric spaces

M De la Sen, E Karapınar - Journal of Function Spaces, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates properties of convergence of distances of p‐cyclic contractions on
the union of the p subsets of an abstract set X defining probabilistic metric spaces and …

Fixed point theorems for multivalued and single-valued contractive map**s on Menger PM spaces with applications

Z Sadeghi, SM Vaezpour - Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, by introducing multivalued (α, η)(α, η)–ψ ψ-contractive map**s, we obtain
new fixed point theorems for multivalued and single-valued map**s and also coupled …

[HTML][HTML] Common fixed points theorems for self-map**s in Menger PM-spaces

RM Nikolić, RP Pant, VT Ristić, A Šebeković - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
The purpose of this paper is to prove that orbital continuity for a pair of self-map**s is a
necessary and sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of a common fixed point …

[PDF][PDF] Some new characterizations and results for fuzzy contractions in fuzzy b-metric spaces and applications

H Qawaqneh, MSM Noorani, H Aydi - AIMS Mathematics, 2023 - aimspress.com
In this work, we initiate the notion of a fuzzy cyclic (α, β)-admissibility to establish some fixed
point results for contraction map**s involving a generalized simulation function in the …

[PDF][PDF] Fixed points of non-linear set-valued (α, φM)-contraction map**s and related applications

M Tariq, M Abbas, A Hussain, M Arshad, A Ali… - AIMS Math, 2022 - aimspress.com
The aim of this manuscript is to prove some fixed point results for non-linear set-valued
maps with new approach of (α∗, φM)-contraction in complete M-metric space. Also, we …