Maritime logistics and global supply chains: towards a research agenda
PM Panayides - Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2006 - Springer
The derived demand for maritime transport has evolved from a demand for the possession of
goods to an integrated demand for the possession of goods that have been added value …
goods to an integrated demand for the possession of goods that have been added value …
[КНИГА][B] Sustainable logistics and supply chain management: principles and practices for sustainable operations and management
Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management is the essential guide to the principles
and practices of sustainable logistics operations. Based on extensive research, this book …
and practices of sustainable logistics operations. Based on extensive research, this book …
Ports and regional development: A spatial analysis on a panel of European regions
This paper analyses the impact of port activities on local development for a sample of 621 TL-
3 regions located in thirteen European countries and observed over the period 1998–2009 …
3 regions located in thirteen European countries and observed over the period 1998–2009 …
Concentration and the formation of multi-port gateway regions in the European container port system: an update
TE Notteboom - Journal of transport geography, 2010 - Elsevier
The European container port system features a unique blend of different port types and sizes
combined with a vast economic hinterland. This paper provides an update of the detailed …
combined with a vast economic hinterland. This paper provides an update of the detailed …
Measuring the quality of port hinterland accessibility: The Ligurian case
Traditionally, distance was considered the parameter that could better reflect the economic
influence of a seaport on land. Containerisation and intermodality progressively eroded …
influence of a seaport on land. Containerisation and intermodality progressively eroded …
The impact of port throughput on local employment: Evidence from a panel of European regions
In this paper we study the impact of port activities on local employment by analyzing a
sample of about 560 regions located in ten West European countries and observed over the …
sample of about 560 regions located in ten West European countries and observed over the …
Maritime constellations: a complex network approach to ship** and ports
The analysis of community structures is one major research field in the science of networks.
This exercise is often biased by strong hierarchical configurations as it is the case in …
This exercise is often biased by strong hierarchical configurations as it is the case in …
Changing port–city relations at Amsterdam: A new phase at the interface?
In this paper, we investigate whether a new phase in port–city development is emerging. We
have done this by analysing the scientific literature on present and future spatial …
have done this by analysing the scientific literature on present and future spatial …
A taxonomy of logistics centres: overcoming conceptual ambiguity
This manuscript aims to disentangle the conceptual ambiguity around the notion of logistics
centre. It proposes an overarching framework that categorises different types of infrastructure …
centre. It proposes an overarching framework that categorises different types of infrastructure …
Ports and local development: evidence from Italy
The role of infrastructure as an engine of growth and development of countries and regions
is now widely accepted by scholars in the field. Among the various types of transport …
is now widely accepted by scholars in the field. Among the various types of transport …