Adoption determinants of improved cassava varieties and intercrop** among East and Central African smallholder farmers
A key constraint to cassava productivity in Africa is the lack of adoption of improved cassava
varieties tolerant to pests and diseases. To understand the drivers of adoption behavior, we …
varieties tolerant to pests and diseases. To understand the drivers of adoption behavior, we …
[HTML][HTML] Explaining farmers' income via market orientation and participation: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
In many sub-Saharan African nations, commercializing smallholder agriculture has recently
been seen as a strategy for attaining equitable growth and eliminating poverty in a …
been seen as a strategy for attaining equitable growth and eliminating poverty in a …
Drivers of vegetable market participation in southcentral Ethiopia: Heckman two-stage model approach
Vegetable marketing helps to increase household income and ensure food and nutrition
security in develo** countries, including Ethiopia. However, market participation by …
security in develo** countries, including Ethiopia. However, market participation by …
[HTML][HTML] Can the participation in quality certification of agricultural products drive the green production transition?
X Li, X **a, J Ren - International Journal of Environmental Research and …, 2022 - mdpi.com
The green production transition in agriculture is all about the quality of agricultural products
at the source of production. Whether the product quality certification can accelerate the …
at the source of production. Whether the product quality certification can accelerate the …
Complementary technology adoption and smallholder commercialization: Panel data evidence from Ethiopia
Agricultural transformation involves the transition from subsistence agriculture marked by
cultivating crops for auto‐consumption to cultivating crops for output markets. This transition …
cultivating crops for auto‐consumption to cultivating crops for output markets. This transition …
Social differentiation, farming systems, and agrarian change in rural Ghana
M Pervarah - Cogent Social Sciences, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Agriculture is predominantly rural and dominated by smallholder farmers. However, efforts to
improve smallholder agricultural production have not yielded the desired results. Some …
improve smallholder agricultural production have not yielded the desired results. Some …
[PDF][PDF] Determinants of market participation decision and intensity of market participation in western Ethiopia: Evidence from smallholder tef producers
K Degefa, G Abebe, G Biru - International Journal of Agricultural …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Tef is the first crop produced in Ethiopia and the main staple food and income generation
source. The productivity of the crop is low due to different factors. This study aimed to identify …
source. The productivity of the crop is low due to different factors. This study aimed to identify …
Farmers' heterogeneous preferences for traits of improved varieties: Informing demand-oriented crop breeding in Tanzania
Understanding farmers' preferences and willingness to pay for different traits is critical for
demand-driven varietal development and designing targeted strategies that stimulate …
demand-driven varietal development and designing targeted strategies that stimulate …
Achieving inclusive urbanization through county-led industrial specialization: from the perspective of rural labor supply
C Hu, Y Zhou, M Chen - China Agricultural Economic Review, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The role of intermediate urban centers (IUCs)(like towns/small cities/rural counties)
between large cities and villages in leading urbanization has been increasingly highlighted …
between large cities and villages in leading urbanization has been increasingly highlighted …
Research on cooperative's information services, farmers' cognition, and fertilizer reduction behavior: evidence from China
X Liu, J **ang, L Qiu, X Fu, Y Liu - Environment, Development and …, 2023 - Springer
The traditional agricultural model of pursuing economic benefits while neglecting the
environment has been unsuitable for the current rural areas. Shifting to a new sustainable …
environment has been unsuitable for the current rural areas. Shifting to a new sustainable …