Reconstructing South China in phanerozoic and precambrian supercontinents
The history of the South China Craton and the constituent Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks are
directly linked to Earth's Phanerozoic and Precambrian record of supercontinent assembly …
directly linked to Earth's Phanerozoic and Precambrian record of supercontinent assembly …
Antarctica—before and after Gondwana
SD Boger - Gondwana Research, 2011 - Elsevier
The origin of the Antarctic continent can be traced to a relatively small late Archaean cratonic
nucleus centred on the Terre Adélie regions of East Antarctica and the Gawler Craton region …
nucleus centred on the Terre Adélie regions of East Antarctica and the Gawler Craton region …
Rare earth element chemistry of zircon and its use as a provenance indicator
Sedimentary mineral assemblages commonly contain detrital zircon crystals as part of the
heavy-mineral fraction. Age spectra determined by U-Pb isotopic analysis of single zircon …
heavy-mineral fraction. Age spectra determined by U-Pb isotopic analysis of single zircon …
Constraints on the timing of uplift of the Yanshan Fold and Thrust Belt, North China
This paper reports in situ U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic data on detrital zircons from Paleozoic
to Late Mesozoic strata in the **shan area near Bei**g that provide important constraints on …
to Late Mesozoic strata in the **shan area near Bei**g that provide important constraints on …
Using hafnium and oxygen isotopes in zircons to unravel the record of crustal evolution
The development of improved techniques for the in situ analysis of U–Pb, Lu–Hf and O
isotopes and of trace element contents has revolutionized approaches to modeling the …
isotopes and of trace element contents has revolutionized approaches to modeling the …
Toward a Neoproterozoic composite carbon-isotope record
GP Halverson, PF Hoffman… - Geological …, 2005 -
Glacial deposits of Sturtian and Marinoan age occur in the well-studied Neoproterozoic
successions of northern Namibia, South Australia, and northwestern Canada. In all three …
successions of northern Namibia, South Australia, and northwestern Canada. In all three …
Episodic growth of the Gondwana supercontinent from hafnium and oxygen isotopes in zircon
It is thought that continental crust existed as early as 150 million years after planetary
accretion, but assessing the rates and processes of subsequent crustal growth requires …
accretion, but assessing the rates and processes of subsequent crustal growth requires …
Isotopic evidence for rapid continental growth in an extensional accretionary orogen: The Tasmanides, eastern Australia
The trace element signature of Earth's continental crust resembles that of arc lavas, but the
continents may have formed during ancient igneous pulses that are hard to reconcile with …
continents may have formed during ancient igneous pulses that are hard to reconcile with …
Precambrian tectonic evolution of the Tarim Block, NW China: new geochronological insights from the Quruqtagh domain
The Tarim Block is an important tectonic unit to understand the Proterozoic tectonic
framework of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the supercontinent Rodinia. The granitic …
framework of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the supercontinent Rodinia. The granitic …
Considerations in zircon geochronology by SIMS
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a versatile technique for measuring the
chemical and isotopic composition of solid materials on a scale of a few microns. A beam of …
chemical and isotopic composition of solid materials on a scale of a few microns. A beam of …