Higher-order hexahedral finite elements for structural dynamics: a comparative review
The finite element method (FEM) is widely used in many engineering applications. The
popularity of FEM led to the development of several variants of formulations, and hexahedral …
popularity of FEM led to the development of several variants of formulations, and hexahedral …
[PDF][PDF] Variational multiscale methods in computational fluid dynamics
This article describes the Variational Multiscale Method (VMS) applied to flow problems. The
main idea of the formulation in the case of stationary linear problems is explained with some …
main idea of the formulation in the case of stationary linear problems is explained with some …
MRI-based vocal tract representations for the three-dimensional finite element synthesis of diphthongs
The synthesis of diphthongs in three-dimensions (3D) involves the simulation of acoustic
waves propagating through a complex 3D vocal tract geometry that deforms over time …
waves propagating through a complex 3D vocal tract geometry that deforms over time …
Approximation of acoustic black holes with finite element mixed formulations and artificial neural network correction terms
Wave propagation in elastodynamic problems in solids often requires fine computational
meshes. In this work we propose to combine stabilized finite element methods (FEM) with an …
meshes. In this work we propose to combine stabilized finite element methods (FEM) with an …
A stabilized finite element method for the mixed wave equation in an ALE framework with application to diphthong production
Working with the wave equation in mixed rather than irreducible form allows one to directly
account for both, the acoustic pressure field and the acoustic particle velocity field. Indeed …
account for both, the acoustic pressure field and the acoustic particle velocity field. Indeed …
Mixed stabilized finite element methods in linear elasticity for the velocity–stress equations in the time and the frequency domains
In this work we present stabilized finite element methods for the mixed velocity–stress
elasticity equations and for its irreducible velocity form. This is done both for the time and …
elasticity equations and for its irreducible velocity form. This is done both for the time and …
A Sommerfeld non-reflecting boundary condition for the wave equation in mixed form
In this paper we develop numerical approximations of the wave equation in mixed form
supplemented with non-reflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) of Sommerfeld-type on …
supplemented with non-reflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) of Sommerfeld-type on …
Finite element generation of sibilants/s/and/z/using random distributions of Kirchhoff vortices
The numerical simulation of sibilant sounds in three‐dimensional realistic vocal tracts
constitutes a challenging problem because it involves a wide range of turbulent flow scales …
constitutes a challenging problem because it involves a wide range of turbulent flow scales …
Finite element synthesis of diphthongs using tuned two-dimensional vocal tracts
Three-dimensional (3-D) vocal tract acoustic modeling has the potential to generate high
quality and natural voice sounds, but at the price of a large computational cost. Alternatively …
quality and natural voice sounds, but at the price of a large computational cost. Alternatively …
[HTML][HTML] A mixed discontinuous Galerkin method for the wave equation
L He, F Wang, J Wen - Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
We study a mixed discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for solving the second-order wave
equation. The stress variable p and the displacement variable u are discretized by the mixed …
equation. The stress variable p and the displacement variable u are discretized by the mixed …