Practicing retrieval facilitates learning

KB McDermott - Annual Review of Psychology, 2021‏ -
How do we go about learning new information? This article reviews the importance of
practicing retrieval of newly experienced information if one wants to be able to retrieve it …

Individual differences in long-term memory.

N Unsworth - Psychological Bulletin, 2019‏ -
The literature on individual differences in long-term memory (LTM) is organized and
reviewed. This includes an extensive review of the factor structure of LTM abilities as well as …

An astonishing regularity in student learning rate

KR Koedinger, PF Carvalho, R Liu… - Proceedings of the …, 2023‏ -
Leveraging a scientific infrastructure for exploring how students learn, we have developed
cognitive and statistical models of skill acquisition and used them to understand …

Successive relearning: An underexplored but potent technique for obtaining and maintaining knowledge

KA Rawson, J Dunlosky - Current Directions in …, 2022‏ -
Successive relearning involves practicing a task until it is performed correctly and then
practicing it again until it is performed correctly during other spaced practice sessions …

Rate of forgetting is independent of initial degree of learning

K Rivera-Lares, R Logie, A Baddeley, S Della Sala - Memory & cognition, 2022‏ - Springer
It is commonly assumed that the rate of forgetting depends on initial degree of learning.
Hence, comparison of forgetting across groups is usually carried out equating initial …

Younger and older adults' strategic use of associative memory and metacognitive control when learning foreign vocabulary words of varying importance.

DH Murphy, MB Hargis, AD Castel - Psychology and Aging, 2023‏ -
Older adults often face memory deficits in binding unrelated items. However, in situations
such as preparing for foreign travel, a learner may be highly motivated to learn the …

How to optimize student learning using student models that adapt rapidly to individual differences

LG Eglington, PI Pavlik Jr - International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in …, 2023‏ - Springer
An important component of many Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS) is a 'Learner
Model'intended to track student learning and predict future performance. Predictions from …

Electrocortical correlates of attention differentiate individual capacity in associative learning

E Raynal, K Schipper, C Brandner, P Ruggeri… - npj Science of …, 2024‏ -
Associative learning abilities vary considerably among individuals, with attentional
processes suggested to play a role in these variations. However, the relationship between …

Rate of forgetting is independent from initial degree of learning across different age groups

K Rivera-Lares, SD Sala… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2023‏ -
It is well established that the more we learn, the more we remember. It is also known that our
ability to acquire new information changes with age. An important remaining issue for …

Forgetting rates of gist and peripheral episodic details in prose recall

R Sacripante, RH Logie, A Baddeley, S Della Sala - Memory & Cognition, 2023‏ - Springer
In a seminal study, Slamecka and McElree showed that the degree of initial learning of
verbal material affected the intercepts but not the slopes of forgetting curves. However, more …