Key issues for sustainable urban stormwater management
Since ancient times, it is understood that stormwater from constructed areas should be
managed somehow. Waste and pollution transported by stormwater poses quantity and …
managed somehow. Waste and pollution transported by stormwater poses quantity and …
Effects of watershed-scale green infrastructure retrofits on urban stormwater quality: A paired watershed study to quantify nutrient and sediment removal
Urban stormwater represents a substantial source of nutrients and sediment to aquatic
ecosystems. Green infrastructure (GI), including bioretention and permeable pavement, is an …
ecosystems. Green infrastructure (GI), including bioretention and permeable pavement, is an …
On the apparent failure of silt fences to protect freshwater ecosystems from sedimentation: A call for improvements in science, technology, training and compliance …
Excessive sedimentation derived from anthropogenic activities is a main factor in habitat and
biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems. To prevent offsite movement of soil particles …
biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems. To prevent offsite movement of soil particles …
The effectiveness of water irrigation policies for residential turfgrass
LA Ozan, KA Alsharif - Land use policy, 2013 - Elsevier
Turfgrass irrigation policies have been implemented in various regions of the US to reduce
domestic water consumption. Mandatory restrictions are often enforced by issuing citations …
domestic water consumption. Mandatory restrictions are often enforced by issuing citations …
Landsca** practices, community perceptions, and social indicators for stormwater nonpoint source pollution management
This study sought to assess the relationship between regulatory and educational
approaches to nutrient management and homeowner behaviors, perceptions, and …
approaches to nutrient management and homeowner behaviors, perceptions, and …
Effects of construction-related land use change on streamflow and sediment yield
VP Santikari, LC Murdoch - Journal of environmental management, 2019 - Elsevier
Observations from four small watersheds by the Reedy River in upstate South Carolina,
USA, were used to evaluate the effects of urban development due to residential construction …
USA, were used to evaluate the effects of urban development due to residential construction …
[PDF][PDF] Water quality of surface runoff in loop two catchment area in UKM
NI Zaiedy, OA Karim, NAA Mutalib - Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 2016 - journalarticle.ukm.my
For a country that is develo**, there is a need to control and maintain the quality of raw
water, with adequate quantities to ensure continuous supply of clean water. In Malaysia …
water, with adequate quantities to ensure continuous supply of clean water. In Malaysia …
Addressing water contamination from concentrated animal feeding operations
TJ Centner - Land Use Policy, 2011 - Elsevier
Pollution from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in the United States is
impairing water quality. CAFOs have been designated as point sources of pollutants, so …
impairing water quality. CAFOs have been designated as point sources of pollutants, so …
Development of a hybrid expert system-multi criteria analysis on erosion and sediment control in construction industry
Construction activities combined with heavy rainfall can results in severe soil loss which
eventually will be deposited into the adjacent water bodies via stormwater. The Best …
eventually will be deposited into the adjacent water bodies via stormwater. The Best …
An expert system for construction sites best management practices
The construction industry has the potential to significantly impact our environment. Using
Best Management Practices (BMPs) at construction sites is the most effective way to protect …
Best Management Practices (BMPs) at construction sites is the most effective way to protect …