Matrix functions in network analysis

M Benzi, P Boito - GAMM‐Mitteilungen, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We review the recent use of functions of matrices in the analysis of graphs and networks,
with special focus on centrality and communicability measures and diffusion processes. Both …

Analysis of probing techniques for sparse approximation and trace estimation of decaying matrix functions

A Frommer, C Schimmel, M Schweitzer - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and …, 2021 - SIAM
The computation of matrix functions f(A), or related quantities like their trace, is an important
but challenging task, in particular, for large and sparse matrices A. In recent years, probing …

Mittag--Leffler Functions and their Applications in Network Science

F Arrigo, F Durastante - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2021 - SIAM
We describe a complete theory for walk-based centrality indices in complex networks
defined in terms of Mittag--Leffler functions. This overarching theory includes as special …

Low-rank updates of matrix functions

B Beckermann, D Kressner, M Schweitzer - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis …, 2018 - SIAM
We consider the task of updating a matrix function f(A) when the matrix A∈C^n*n is subject
to a low-rank modification. In other words, we aim at approximating f(A+D)-f(A) for a matrix D …

Creative influence prediction using graph theory

F Alfieri, L Asprino, N Lazzari… - Intelligenza …, 2024 -
Creative influence is responsible for a considerable part of the creative process of an artist
and can largely be associated with their social circle. It has been observed that the type and …

Sensitivity of matrix function based network communicability measures: Computational methods and a priori bounds

M Schweitzer - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2023 - SIAM
When analyzing complex networks, an important task is the identification of those nodes
which play a leading role for the overall communicability of the network. In the context of …

Divide-and-conquer methods for functions of matrices with banded or hierarchical low-rank structure

A Cortinovis, D Kressner, S Massei - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and …, 2022 - SIAM
This work is concerned with approximating matrix functions for banded matrices,
hierarchically semiseparable matrices, and related structures. We develop a new divide-and …

Inexact Arnoldi residual estimates and decay properties for functions of non-Hermitian matrices

S Pozza, V Simoncini - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2019 - Springer
This paper derives a priori residual-type bounds for the Arnoldi approximation of a matrix
function together with a strategy for setting the iteration accuracies in the inexact Arnoldi …

Nonlocal pagerank

S Cipolla, F Durastante, F Tudisco - … : Mathematical Modelling and …, 2021 -
In this work we introduce and study a nonlocal version of the PageRank. In our approach,
the random walker explores the graph using longer excursions than just moving between …

Optimizing network robustness via Krylov subspaces

S Massei, F Tudisco - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and …, 2024 -
We consider the problem of attaining either the maximal increase or reduction of the
robustness of a complex network by means of a bounded modification of a subset of the …