A survey on antispoofing schemes for fingerprint recognition systems
Several issues related to the vulnerability of fingerprint recognition systems to attacks have
been highlighted in the biometrics literature. One such vulnerability involves the use of …
been highlighted in the biometrics literature. One such vulnerability involves the use of …
Attacks and defenses in user authentication systems: A survey
User authentication systems (in short authentication systems) have wide utilization in our
daily life. Unfortunately, existing authentication systems are prone to various attacks while …
daily life. Unfortunately, existing authentication systems are prone to various attacks while …
Fingerprint spoof buster: Use of minutiae-centered patches
The primary purpose of a fingerprint recognition system is to ensure a reliable and accurate
user authentication, but the security of the recognition system itself can be jeopardized by …
user authentication, but the security of the recognition system itself can be jeopardized by …
Eardynamic: An ear canal deformation based continuous user authentication using in-ear wearables
Biometric-based authentication is gaining increasing attention for wearables and mobile
applications. Meanwhile, the growing adoption of sensors in wearables also provides …
applications. Meanwhile, the growing adoption of sensors in wearables also provides …
Presentation attack detection methods for fingerprint recognition systems: a survey
Nowadays, fingerprint biometrics is widely used in various applications, varying from
forensic investigations and migration control to access control as regards security sensitive …
forensic investigations and migration control to access control as regards security sensitive …
An investigation of local descriptors for biometric spoofing detection
Biometric authentication systems are quite vulnerable to sophisticated spoofing attacks. To
keep a good level of security, reliable spoofing detection tools are necessary, preferably …
keep a good level of security, reliable spoofing detection tools are necessary, preferably …
Toothsonic: Earable authentication via acoustic toothprint
Earables (ear wearables) are rapidly emerging as a new platform encompassing a diverse
range of personal applications. The traditional authentication methods hence become less …
range of personal applications. The traditional authentication methods hence become less …
Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization
Fingerprint liveness detection consists in verifying if an input fingerprint image, acquired by a
fingerprint verification system, belongs to a genuine user or is an artificial replica. Although …
fingerprint verification system, belongs to a genuine user or is an artificial replica. Although …
A novel weber local binary descriptor for fingerprint liveness detection
In recent years, fingerprint authentication systems have been extensively deployed in
various applications, including attendance systems, authentications on smartphones, mobile …
various applications, including attendance systems, authentications on smartphones, mobile …
Fingerprint liveness detection using an improved CNN with image scale equalization
Due to the lack of pre-judgment of fingerprints, fingerprint authentication systems are
frequently vulnerable to artificial replicas. Anonymous people can impersonate authorized …
frequently vulnerable to artificial replicas. Anonymous people can impersonate authorized …