Comparative study of biomodels manufactured using 3D printing techniques for surgical planning and medical training
MV Requena-Pérez, P Andrés-Cano… - Expert Review of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives To obtain 3D printed bone models with a haptic sensation similar to that of the
real bone, which will help the surgeon to learn and improve based on practice. Methods …
real bone, which will help the surgeon to learn and improve based on practice. Methods …
Pengaruh Concept Blue Economy Dan Green Economy Terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat Kepulauan Seribu
A Wijayanti, R Ramlah - Owner: Riset Dan Jurnal Akuntansi, 2022 -
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sebagai informasi pengetahuan mengenai
pemberdayaan dan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan di kepulauan seribu. Penelitian ini …
pemberdayaan dan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan di kepulauan seribu. Penelitian ini …
A hybrid algorithm for adjusting the input parameters of the wirecut EDM machine in order to obtain maximum customer satisfaction
This study presents an algorithm to optimally adjust the input parameters of the wirecut to
align its output with the customer's expectations. For this, AHP and QFD are used to identify …
align its output with the customer's expectations. For this, AHP and QFD are used to identify …
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Akuntansi Dan Kinerja Karyawan Terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan
A Wijayanti, S Ariyani - Owner: Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi, 2022 -
This study aims to analyze the effect of accounting knowledge and employee performance
on the quality of financial reports moderated by the use of Accounting Information Systems in …
on the quality of financial reports moderated by the use of Accounting Information Systems in …
Pengaruh indepedensi dan profesionalisme terhadap kualitas audit yang dimoderasi oleh etika profesi
A Wijayanti, R Ramlah… - … (Jurnal Ekonomi dan …, 2022 -
Abstract Menurut Financial Accounting Standards Boards (FASB), dua karakteristik
terpenting yang harus ada dalam laporan keuangan adalah relevan (relevance) dan dapat …
terpenting yang harus ada dalam laporan keuangan adalah relevan (relevance) dan dapat …
Should Likert Data Be Transformed Using Summated Rating Scale? A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Study On The Continuous Learning
I Safitri - JURNAL EDUSCIENCE, 2024 -
Continuous Learning competence can be measured through self-assessment to minimize
interview failure. The problem arises when the Continuous Learning instrument is …
interview failure. The problem arises when the Continuous Learning instrument is …
Evaluating User Satisfaction of IT Services Through Service Quality Approach.
Abstract Unika Atma Jaya, recognized as one of Indonesia's leading private universities,
utilizes information system technology to support both operational and academic activities …
utilizes information system technology to support both operational and academic activities …
Aplikasi Probe Untuk Penilaian Capaian Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Pada Kurikulum OBE (Outcame-Based Education)
The purpose of this study was to create a web-based PROBE (OBE measurement)
application that can provide information on the results of learning assessments using the …
application that can provide information on the results of learning assessments using the …
Analisis Pengaruh Work-Life Balance Terhadap Employee Engagement Dengan Job Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada PT Barata Indonesia)
A Jannata, MS Perdhana - Diponegoro Journal of …, 2022 -
This study aims to determine the relationship between work-life balance, job satisfaction,
and employee engagement of PT Barata Indonesia's employee. This research is in the form …
and employee engagement of PT Barata Indonesia's employee. This research is in the form …
Measuring the performance and maturity of the plastic recycling value chain system: implications and prospects
The sustainability of plastic materials and products requires the continuous improvement of
the circular pathways for the material. A key strategy in the circularity of plastic is plastic …
the circular pathways for the material. A key strategy in the circularity of plastic is plastic …