[HTML][HTML] Visual adaptations of diurnal and nocturnal raptors

S Potier, M Mitkus, A Kelber - Seminars in cell & developmental biology, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Raptors have always fascinated mankind, owls for their highly sensitive vision, and eagles
for their high visual acuity. We summarize what is presently known about the eyes as well as …

[HTML][HTML] Rethinking the evaluation of animal translocations

F Marino, RA McDonald, SL Crowley… - Biological Conservation, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Translocations are the human-mediated movements of living organisms for conservation
and non-conservation purposes. Conservation translocations have become popular and …

New reptile shows dinosaurs and pterosaurs evolved among diverse precursors

RT Müller, MD Ezcurra, MS Garcia, FL Agnolín… - Nature, 2023‏ - nature.com
Dinosaurs and pterosaurs have remarkable diversity and disparity through most of the
Mesozoic Era,–. Soon after their origins, these reptiles diversified into a number of long-lived …

[HTML][HTML] How do life history and behaviour influence plastic ingestion risk in Canadian freshwater and terrestrial birds?

K Schutten, A Chandrashekar, L Dougherty… - Environmental …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Plastic ingestion presents many potential avenues of risk for wildlife. Understanding which
species and environments are most exposed to plastic pollution is a critical first step in …

Online repositories of photographs and videos provide insights into the evolution of skilled hindlimb movements in birds

C Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C Amaral-Peçanha… - Communications …, 2023‏ - nature.com
The ability to manipulate objects with limbs has evolved repeatedly among land tetrapods.
Several selective forces have been proposed to explain the emergence of forelimb …

Conserving the evolutionary history of birds

CJW McClure, I Berkunsky, ER Buechley… - Conservation …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
In the midst of the sixth mass extinction, limited resources are forcing conservationists to
prioritize which species and places will receive conservation action. Evolutionary …

Map** suitable habitats for globally endangered raptors in Kenya: Integrating climate factors and conservation planning

PM Ngila, DO Chiawo, MA Owuor… - Ecology and …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Raptors face global threats like electrocution, collisions, and habitat fragmentation. Many
species remain understudied, and their distribution patterns are unknown. Understanding …

Towards reconciliation of the four world bird lists: Hotspots of disagreement in taxonomy of raptors

CJW McClure, D Lepage, L Dunn… - … of the Royal …, 2020‏ - royalsocietypublishing.org
There are currently four world bird lists referenced by different stakeholders including
governments, academic journals, museums and citizen scientists. Consolidation of these …

Relative conservation status of bird orders with special attention to raptors

CJW McClure, BW Rolek - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2020‏ - frontiersin.org
Birds, especially raptors, play important roles in ecosystems. We examine the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List to determine which orders of birds …

Commentary: The past, present, and future of the Global Raptor Impact Network

CJW McClure, DL Anderson, R Buij… - Journal of Raptor …, 2021‏ - meridian.allenpress.com
Most raptor populations are declining and nearly a fifth are threatened with extinction; thus
there is a need to increase collaboration to ensure efficient and effective research …