[HTML][HTML] Sustainable logistics for e-commerce: A literature review and bibliometric analysis

JA Cano, A Londoño-Pineda, C Rodas - Sustainability, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis and literature review and to identify
publications, main topics, and trends in recent years about the sustainability of logistics …

Printed humidity sensors from renewable and biodegradable materials

X Aeby, J Bourely, A Poulin, G Siqueira… - Advanced Materials …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Increasing environmental concerns raised by the accumulation of electronic waste draws
attention to the development of sustainable materials for short‐lived electronics. In this …

Possibilities of using bluetooth low energy beacon technology to locate objects internally: A case study

J Ližbetin, J Pečman - Technologies, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
The developments that are occurring in relation to Industry 4.0 are making it possible to
automate a huge number of production activities. Automation includes the possibility of …

Scheduling of e-commerce packaging machines: blocking machines and their impact on the performance–waste tradeoff

D Briskorn, N Boysen, L Zey - Journal of Scheduling, 2024‏ - Springer
To streamline their fulfillment processes, many e-commerce retailers today use automated
packaging machines for their outbound parcels. An important performance–waste tradeoff is …

Requirements for the Transformation towards Returnable Transport Item-Enabled Circular Economies in the Austrian Parcel Industry

G Schneikart, C Löffler, M Brandner, S Pfoser… - Tehnički …, 2024‏ - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The European Green Deal sets the ambitious targets of establishing the first climate
neutral continent by 2050 and reducing emissions by a minimum of 55% by 2030. In order to …

Risk and Innovation Management of Small Businesses in the Textile Industry

A Abreu - Industry and Innovation: Textile Industry, 2024‏ - Springer
This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the literature at the nexus of risk
management, innovation, and small businesses in the textile industry. The study conducted …

How a Sustainability Strategy Can Leverage E-Commerce?

AT Rosário - Advancing SMEs Toward E-Commerce Policies for …, 2023‏ - igi-global.com
During the last decades, we have seen building sustainable business models as an
innovative part of the business strategy. Different economic sectors have used the concept to …

[PDF][PDF] A multiple case study on the drivers, barriers, and critical success factors to the adoption and implementation of reusable transport packaging in fashion retail …

VHNV Boonstra‏ - pure.tue.nl
Executive summary Supply chains in the fashion retail sector are known for requiring large
amounts of business-tobusiness and business-to-consumer packaging to receive goods …

Strategische Anpassung des Marketing-Mix für den Markterfolg von nachhaltigen Einwegverpackungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie: eine Integration der Blue Ocean …

KJM Djellal - 2024‏ - opus4.kobv.de
Nachhaltige Verpackungen sind in der Lebensmittelindustrie ein wichtiges Thema, da sie
sowohl ökologische als auch ökonomische Vorteile bieten können. Diese Bachelorarbeit …

[PDF][PDF] Tvarių pakavimo sprendimų taikymas logistikoje

G Marcelionienė - Jaunasis mokslininkas 2024: Studentų mokslinė …, 2024‏ - vdu.lt
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama transportavimo pakuotės įtaka logistikos procesams,
identifikuojami tvarūs sprendimai. Vienkartinių pakavimo medžiagų naudojimas sukuria …