[HTML][HTML] Sustainable logistics for e-commerce: A literature review and bibliometric analysis
This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis and literature review and to identify
publications, main topics, and trends in recent years about the sustainability of logistics …
publications, main topics, and trends in recent years about the sustainability of logistics …
Printed humidity sensors from renewable and biodegradable materials
Increasing environmental concerns raised by the accumulation of electronic waste draws
attention to the development of sustainable materials for short‐lived electronics. In this …
attention to the development of sustainable materials for short‐lived electronics. In this …
Possibilities of using bluetooth low energy beacon technology to locate objects internally: A case study
J Ližbetin, J Pečman - Technologies, 2023 - mdpi.com
The developments that are occurring in relation to Industry 4.0 are making it possible to
automate a huge number of production activities. Automation includes the possibility of …
automate a huge number of production activities. Automation includes the possibility of …
Scheduling of e-commerce packaging machines: blocking machines and their impact on the performance–waste tradeoff
To streamline their fulfillment processes, many e-commerce retailers today use automated
packaging machines for their outbound parcels. An important performance–waste tradeoff is …
packaging machines for their outbound parcels. An important performance–waste tradeoff is …
Requirements for the Transformation towards Returnable Transport Item-Enabled Circular Economies in the Austrian Parcel Industry
Sažetak The European Green Deal sets the ambitious targets of establishing the first climate
neutral continent by 2050 and reducing emissions by a minimum of 55% by 2030. In order to …
neutral continent by 2050 and reducing emissions by a minimum of 55% by 2030. In order to …
Risk and Innovation Management of Small Businesses in the Textile Industry
This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the literature at the nexus of risk
management, innovation, and small businesses in the textile industry. The study conducted …
management, innovation, and small businesses in the textile industry. The study conducted …
How a Sustainability Strategy Can Leverage E-Commerce?
During the last decades, we have seen building sustainable business models as an
innovative part of the business strategy. Different economic sectors have used the concept to …
innovative part of the business strategy. Different economic sectors have used the concept to …
[PDF][PDF] A multiple case study on the drivers, barriers, and critical success factors to the adoption and implementation of reusable transport packaging in fashion retail …
VHNV Boonstra - pure.tue.nl
Executive summary Supply chains in the fashion retail sector are known for requiring large
amounts of business-tobusiness and business-to-consumer packaging to receive goods …
amounts of business-tobusiness and business-to-consumer packaging to receive goods …
Strategische Anpassung des Marketing-Mix für den Markterfolg von nachhaltigen Einwegverpackungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie: eine Integration der Blue Ocean …
KJM Djellal - 2024 - opus4.kobv.de
Nachhaltige Verpackungen sind in der Lebensmittelindustrie ein wichtiges Thema, da sie
sowohl ökologische als auch ökonomische Vorteile bieten können. Diese Bachelorarbeit …
sowohl ökologische als auch ökonomische Vorteile bieten können. Diese Bachelorarbeit …
[PDF][PDF] Tvarių pakavimo sprendimų taikymas logistikoje
G Marcelionienė - Jaunasis mokslininkas 2024: Studentų mokslinė …, 2024 - vdu.lt
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama transportavimo pakuotės įtaka logistikos procesams,
identifikuojami tvarūs sprendimai. Vienkartinių pakavimo medžiagų naudojimas sukuria …
identifikuojami tvarūs sprendimai. Vienkartinių pakavimo medžiagų naudojimas sukuria …