How ideas matter in public policy: a review of concepts, mechanisms, and methods
The recent ideational turn in political science and public administration implies that ideas
matter. Ideas are an essential explanatory concept for understanding policy changes and …
matter. Ideas are an essential explanatory concept for understanding policy changes and …
Stability and climate policy? Harnessing insights on path dependence, policy feedback, and transition pathways
Instilling climate policy with stability has emerged as a central concern in both the academic
literature and societal discourse around climate change. Societal actors have called for …
literature and societal discourse around climate change. Societal actors have called for …
Why and how is the power of Big Tech increasing in the policy process? The case of generative AI
The growing digitalization of our society has led to a meteoric rise of large technology
companies (Big Tech), which have amassed tremendous wealth and influence through their …
companies (Big Tech), which have amassed tremendous wealth and influence through their …
As open as possible, as autonomous as necessary: Understanding the rise of open strategic autonomy in EU trade policy
For decades, the EU's trade policy has been centred around open (ing) markets. Why, then,
has the EU recently embraced open strategic autonomy as the conceptual cornerstone of its …
has the EU recently embraced open strategic autonomy as the conceptual cornerstone of its …
Moving on to not fall behind? Technological sovereignty and the 'geo-dirigiste'turn in EU industrial policy
The fear of falling behind has been a driving force of European integration. Historically,
Europe's response to the looming angst of declining competitiveness has been more market …
Europe's response to the looming angst of declining competitiveness has been more market …
The COVID-19 Virtual Idea Blitz: Marshaling social entrepreneurship to rapidly respond to urgent grand challenges
In response to societal grand challenges, professors have unique opportunities to effect
change, repurposing their expertise to deploy relevant, timely, practical, and research …
change, repurposing their expertise to deploy relevant, timely, practical, and research …
[ספר][B] How ideas and institutions shape the politics of public policy
D Béland - 2019 -
This Element provides a critical review of existing literature on the role of ideas and
institutions in the politics of public policy with the aim of contributing to the study of the …
institutions in the politics of public policy with the aim of contributing to the study of the …
Paradigms and the political economy of ecopolitical projects: Green growth and degrowth compared
Competing ecopolitical projects seek to deliver answers to one of the most central questions
of our time: how can the escalating climate crisis be halted? The paper asks how we may …
of our time: how can the escalating climate crisis be halted? The paper asks how we may …
Europe's fast-and slow-burning crises
ABSTRACT The European Union has been confronted with crises across a range of policy
areas. Crises have typically been viewed as providing impetus for further integration but are …
areas. Crises have typically been viewed as providing impetus for further integration but are …
[HTML][HTML] Populist far right discursive-institutional tactics in European regional decarbonization
What rhetorical strategies are populist far-right parties using to delay regional
decarbonization? This paper focuses on three populist far-right parties—the Conservative …
decarbonization? This paper focuses on three populist far-right parties—the Conservative …