Tree defence and bark beetles in a drying world: carbon partitioning, functioning and modelling
Drought has promoted large‐scale, insect‐induced tree mortality in recent years, with severe
consequences for ecosystem function, atmospheric processes, sustainable resources and …
consequences for ecosystem function, atmospheric processes, sustainable resources and …
Genes, enzymes and chemicals of terpenoid diversity in the constitutive and induced defence of conifers against insects and pathogens
Insects select their hosts, but trees cannot select which herbivores will feed upon them.
Thus, as long‐lived stationary organisms, conifers must resist the onslaught of varying and …
Thus, as long‐lived stationary organisms, conifers must resist the onslaught of varying and …
Mountain pine beetles colonizing historical and naive host trees are associated with a bacterial community highly enriched in genes contributing to terpene …
AS Adams, FO Aylward, SM Adams… - Applied and …, 2013 - journals.asm.org
The mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, is a subcortical herbivore native to
western North America that can kill healthy conifers by overcoming host tree defenses …
western North America that can kill healthy conifers by overcoming host tree defenses …
Conifer-killing bark beetles locate fungal symbionts by detecting volatile fungal metabolites of host tree resin monoterpenes
Outbreaks of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) have decimated millions of
hectares of conifer forests in Europe in recent years. The ability of these 4.0 to 5.5 mm long …
hectares of conifer forests in Europe in recent years. The ability of these 4.0 to 5.5 mm long …
Diterpene resin acids in conifers
Diterpene resin acids are a significant component of conifer oleoresin, which is a viscous
mixture of terpenoids present constitutively or inducibly upon herbivore or pathogen attack …
mixture of terpenoids present constitutively or inducibly upon herbivore or pathogen attack …
Evolution of diterpene metabolism: Sitka spruce CYP720B4 catalyzes multiple oxidations in resin acid biosynthesis of conifer defense against insects
Diterpene resin acids (DRAs) are specialized (secondary) metabolites of the oleoresin
defense of conifers produced by diterpene synthases and cytochrome P450s of the …
defense of conifers produced by diterpene synthases and cytochrome P450s of the …
Symbioses: a key driver of insect physiological processes, ecological interactions, evolutionary diversification, and impacts on humans
Symbiosis is receiving increased attention among all aspects of biology because of the
unifying themes it helps construct across ecological, evolutionary, developmental …
unifying themes it helps construct across ecological, evolutionary, developmental …
Terpenes tell different tales at different scales: glimpses into the chemical ecology of conifer-bark beetle-microbial interactions
KF Raffa - Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2014 - Springer
Chemical signaling mediates nearly all aspects of species interactions. Our knowledge of
these signals has progressed dramatically, and now includes good characterizations of the …
these signals has progressed dramatically, and now includes good characterizations of the …
Inducibility of chemical defenses in Norway spruce bark is correlated with unsuccessful mass attacks by the spruce bark beetle
Secondary attraction to aggregation pheromones plays a central role in the host colonization
behavior of the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus. However, it is largely …
behavior of the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus. However, it is largely …
Water, not carbon, drives drought‐constraints on stem terpene defense against simulated bark beetle attack in Pinus edulis
Drought predisposes forest trees to bark beetle‐induced mortality, but the physiological
mechanisms remain unclear. While drought‐induced water and carbon limitations have …
mechanisms remain unclear. While drought‐induced water and carbon limitations have …