Brazilian sandy beaches: characteristics, ecosystem services, impacts, knowledge and priorities
As praias brasileiras fornecem bens e serviços ecossistêmicos fundamentais,
desempenhando papel importante para a manutenção de populações humanas e para a …
desempenhando papel importante para a manutenção de populações humanas e para a …
Economic development and coastal ecosystem change in China
Despite their value, coastal ecosystems are globally threatened by anthropogenic impacts,
yet how these impacts are driven by economic development is not well understood. We …
yet how these impacts are driven by economic development is not well understood. We …
Biodiversity data requirements for systematic conservation planning in the Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea's biodiversity and ecosystems face many threats due to
anthropogenic pressures. Some of these include human population growth, coastal …
anthropogenic pressures. Some of these include human population growth, coastal …
Coastal urbanization leads to remarkable seaweed species loss and community shifts along the SW Atlantic
Coastal urbanization is rapidly expanding worldwide while its impacts on seaweed
communities remain poorly understood. We assessed the impact of urbanization along an …
communities remain poorly understood. We assessed the impact of urbanization along an …
Decadal losses of canopy‐forming algae along the warm temperate coastline of Brazil
The loss of canopy‐forming seaweeds from urbanized coasts has intensified in response to
warming seas and non‐climatic pressures such as population growth and declining water …
warming seas and non‐climatic pressures such as population growth and declining water …
Ocean literacy in Brazilian school curricula: An opportunity to improve coastal management and address coastal risks?
Ocean literacy (OL) is defined as the understanding of the ocean's influence on human
beings and vice versa. It aims to improve knowledge on marine environments, enabling …
beings and vice versa. It aims to improve knowledge on marine environments, enabling …
Mesophyllum erubescens (Corallinales, Rhodophyta)—so many species in one epithet
The name Mesophyllum erubescens has been applied to protuberant rhodolith specimens
which sometimes occur abundantly, as well as to encrusting specimens in tropical and …
which sometimes occur abundantly, as well as to encrusting specimens in tropical and …
Does coastal armoring affect biodiversity and its functional composition on sandy beaches?
Sandy beaches are increasingly squeezed due to the construction of backshore man-made
structures (ie, coastal armoring) and current global changes. Coastal armoring impacts …
structures (ie, coastal armoring) and current global changes. Coastal armoring impacts …
Coastal ocean observing and modeling systems in Brazil: initiatives and future perspectives
Coastal ocean observing and modeling systems (coastal observatories), connected with
regional and global ocean systems, improve the quality of information and forecasts for …
regional and global ocean systems, improve the quality of information and forecasts for …
Remote sensing investigation of anthropogenic land cover expansion in the low-elevation coastal zone of Liaoning Province, China
Anthropogenic land cover (ALC) expansion is one of the major drivers of regional
environmental change in coastal zones. With increasing scientific and political interest in …
environmental change in coastal zones. With increasing scientific and political interest in …