Forms and functions of the self-conscious emotions
Pride, shame, and guilt color our highest and lowest personal moments. Recent evidence
suggests that these self-conscious emotions are neurocognitive adaptations crafted by …
suggests that these self-conscious emotions are neurocognitive adaptations crafted by …
Moral disciplining: The cognitive and evolutionary foundations of puritanical morality
Why do many societies moralize apparently harmless pleasures, such as lust, gluttony,
alcohol, drugs, and even music and dance? Why do they erect temperance, asceticism …
alcohol, drugs, and even music and dance? Why do they erect temperance, asceticism …
Shifting attributions for poverty motivates opposition to inequality and enhances egalitarianism
Amidst rising economic inequality and mounting evidence of its pernicious social effects,
what motivates opposition to inequality? Five studies (n= 34,442) show that attributing …
what motivates opposition to inequality? Five studies (n= 34,442) show that attributing …
[کتاب][B] Fair enough?: support for redistribution in the age of inequality
C Cavaillé - 2023 - books.google.com
Fair Enough? proposes and tests a new framework for studying attitudes toward
redistributive social policies. These attitudes, the book argues, are shaped by at least two …
redistributive social policies. These attitudes, the book argues, are shaped by at least two …
How emotions, relationships, and culture constitute each other: Advances in social functionalist theory
ABSTRACT Social Functionalist Theory (SFT) emerged 20 years ago to orient emotion
science to the social nature of emotion. Here we expand upon SFT and make the case for …
science to the social nature of emotion. Here we expand upon SFT and make the case for …
Punishment: one tool, many uses
Humans are outstanding in their ability to cooperate with unrelated individuals, and
punishment–paying a cost to harm others–is thought to be a key supporting mechanism …
punishment–paying a cost to harm others–is thought to be a key supporting mechanism …
Preferences for redistribution
We survey the literature on preferences for redistribution. We discuss different ways the
literature has measured these preferences and review literature on the different …
literature has measured these preferences and review literature on the different …
Economic mobility and parents' opportunity hoarding
Creating opportunities for people to achieve socioeconomic mobility is a widely shared
societal goal. Paradoxically, however, achieving this goal can pose a threat to high …
societal goal. Paradoxically, however, achieving this goal can pose a threat to high …
Greed, envy, and admiration: The distinct nature of public opinion about redistribution from the rich
Research on public opinion about economic redistribution has made important progress by
incorporating the psychological microfoundation that shapes support for redistribution to the …
incorporating the psychological microfoundation that shapes support for redistribution to the …
The vicious cycle of economic inequality: The role of ideology in sha** the relationship between “what is” and “what ought to be” in 41 countries
People's desired levels of inequality are informed by the levels of inequality they perceive to
exist. Perceived economic inequality is used as a reference point in determining people's …
exist. Perceived economic inequality is used as a reference point in determining people's …