Using virtual reality to assess user experience

F Rebelo, P Noriega, E Duarte, M Soares - Human factors, 2012 -
Objective: The aim of this article is to discuss how user experience (UX) evaluation can
benefit from the use of virtual reality (VR). Background: UX is usually evaluated in laboratory …

[KNIHA][B] Communication technology update and fundamentals

A Grant, JH Meadows - 2012 -
Communication technologies surround us in every part of our lives: via television, web,
blogging, mass media, and much more. How do people in business keep up with the latest …

Rethinking eye-blink: Assessing task difficulty through physiological representation of spontaneous blinking

Y Cho - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human …, 2021 -
Continuous assessment of task difficulty and mental workload is essential in improving the
usability and accessibility of interactive systems. Eye tracking data has often been …

Mobile health monitoring for the elderly: Designing for diversity

A Lorenz, R Oppermann - Pervasive and Mobile computing, 2009 - Elsevier
In the field of mobile health monitoring the current most important user groups are those
aged 50+. In our project senSAVE® we developed a user interface for monitoring vital …

Designing for the living room: long-term user involvement in a living lab

C Ogonowski, B Ley, J Hess, L Wan… - Proceedings of the SIGCHI …, 2013 -
Living Labs provide a research infrastructure for long-term user involvement in Participatory
Design processes. Users take part in software co-creation during context analysis, for …

[KNIHA][B] Handbook of human factors in Web design

KPL Vu, RW Proctor - 2011 -
This second edition of a bestseller provides up-to-date knowledge of human factors issues
in web design. It comprehensively treats human factors research methods, design …

Innovation practices and their boundary-crossing mechanisms: a review and proposals for the future

C Rau, AK Neyer, KM Möslein - Technology Analysis & Strategic …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In response to the increased complexity of innovation projects, tools and methods applied in
the innovation process need to be able to support knowledge sharing across semantic and …

Trends in the living room and beyond: results from ethnographic studies using creative and playful probing

R Bernhaupt, M Obrist, A Weiss, E Beck… - … in Entertainment (CIE), 2008 -
In this article we present the findings of two ethnographic studies embedded into two
broader projects on interactive television in the home environment. Based on previous …

The evolution of TV systems, content, and users toward interactivity

P Cesar, K Chorianopoulos - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2009 -
Interactive TV research spans across a rather diverse body of scientific subfields. Research
articles have appeared in several venues, such as multimedia, HCI, CSCW, UIST, user …

Moving real exergaming engines on the web: the webFitForAll case study in an active and healthy ageing living lab environment

EI Konstantinidis, G Bamparopoulos… - IEEE journal of …, 2016 -
Exergames have been the subject of research and technology innovations for a number of
years. Different devices and technologies have been utilized to train the body and the mind …