Using virtual reality to assess user experience
Objective: The aim of this article is to discuss how user experience (UX) evaluation can
benefit from the use of virtual reality (VR). Background: UX is usually evaluated in laboratory …
benefit from the use of virtual reality (VR). Background: UX is usually evaluated in laboratory …
[KNIHA][B] Communication technology update and fundamentals
A Grant, JH Meadows - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Communication technologies surround us in every part of our lives: via television, web,
blogging, mass media, and much more. How do people in business keep up with the latest …
blogging, mass media, and much more. How do people in business keep up with the latest …
Rethinking eye-blink: Assessing task difficulty through physiological representation of spontaneous blinking
Y Cho - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Continuous assessment of task difficulty and mental workload is essential in improving the
usability and accessibility of interactive systems. Eye tracking data has often been …
usability and accessibility of interactive systems. Eye tracking data has often been …
Mobile health monitoring for the elderly: Designing for diversity
A Lorenz, R Oppermann - Pervasive and Mobile computing, 2009 - Elsevier
In the field of mobile health monitoring the current most important user groups are those
aged 50+. In our project senSAVE® we developed a user interface for monitoring vital …
aged 50+. In our project senSAVE® we developed a user interface for monitoring vital …
Designing for the living room: long-term user involvement in a living lab
Living Labs provide a research infrastructure for long-term user involvement in Participatory
Design processes. Users take part in software co-creation during context analysis, for …
Design processes. Users take part in software co-creation during context analysis, for …
[KNIHA][B] Handbook of human factors in Web design
KPL Vu, RW Proctor - 2011 - books.google.com
This second edition of a bestseller provides up-to-date knowledge of human factors issues
in web design. It comprehensively treats human factors research methods, design …
in web design. It comprehensively treats human factors research methods, design …
Innovation practices and their boundary-crossing mechanisms: a review and proposals for the future
In response to the increased complexity of innovation projects, tools and methods applied in
the innovation process need to be able to support knowledge sharing across semantic and …
the innovation process need to be able to support knowledge sharing across semantic and …
Trends in the living room and beyond: results from ethnographic studies using creative and playful probing
In this article we present the findings of two ethnographic studies embedded into two
broader projects on interactive television in the home environment. Based on previous …
broader projects on interactive television in the home environment. Based on previous …
The evolution of TV systems, content, and users toward interactivity
Interactive TV research spans across a rather diverse body of scientific subfields. Research
articles have appeared in several venues, such as multimedia, HCI, CSCW, UIST, user …
articles have appeared in several venues, such as multimedia, HCI, CSCW, UIST, user …
Moving real exergaming engines on the web: the webFitForAll case study in an active and healthy ageing living lab environment
EI Konstantinidis, G Bamparopoulos… - IEEE journal of …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Exergames have been the subject of research and technology innovations for a number of
years. Different devices and technologies have been utilized to train the body and the mind …
years. Different devices and technologies have been utilized to train the body and the mind …