What makes fish vulnerable to capture by hooks? A conceptual framework and a review of key determinants
Considerable time and money are expended in the pursuit of catching fish with hooks (eg,
handlining, angling, longlining, trolling, drumlining) across the recreational, commercial and …
handlining, angling, longlining, trolling, drumlining) across the recreational, commercial and …
Effects of lunar cycle and fishing operations on longline-caught pelagic fish: fishing performance, capture time, and survival of fish
F Poisson, JC Gaertner, M Taquet, JP Durbec… - Fishery …, 2010 - archimer.ifremer.fr
commercial longline fishing data were analyzed and experiments were conducted with gear
equipped with hook timers and time-depth recorders in the reunion island fishery (21 …
equipped with hook timers and time-depth recorders in the reunion island fishery (21 …
Abiotic and fishing-related correlates of angling catch rates in pike (Esox lucius)
Understanding how angling catch rates vary between environments is of interest from
ecological and fisheries management perspectives, but this has rarely been investigated in …
ecological and fisheries management perspectives, but this has rarely been investigated in …
Catch performance of coastal squid jigging boats using LED panels in combination with metal halide lamps
Y Yamashita, Y Matsushita, T Azuno - Fisheries research, 2012 - Elsevier
Squid attracting light systems consisting of low power light emitting diode panels (LEDs) and
conventional metal halide lamps (MHs) were tested to describe the influence of …
conventional metal halide lamps (MHs) were tested to describe the influence of …
[HTML][HTML] Use of light-emitting diode (LED) lamps in combination with metal halide (MH) lamps reduce fuel consumption in the Vietnamese purse seine fishery
The use of high-power lights during night-time purse seining is common in Vietnam.
Typically, metal halide (MH) lamps are used in the commercial fishery to attract fish, however …
Typically, metal halide (MH) lamps are used in the commercial fishery to attract fish, however …
[PDF][PDF] Changing of sea surface temperature affects catch of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson in the set-net fishery
KQ Nguyen, VY Nguyena - Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, 2017 - researchgate.net
This paper reviews the Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson landing status of the
set-net fishery and changing sea surface temperature (SST) in Nha Trang city, Vietnam in …
set-net fishery and changing sea surface temperature (SST) in Nha Trang city, Vietnam in …
Diel vertical movements of adult male dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the western central Atlantic as determined by use of pop-up satellite archival transmitters
The vertical movements of six adult male dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)(95–120 cm
estimated fork length), caught using standard sportfishing methods, were investigated using …
estimated fork length), caught using standard sportfishing methods, were investigated using …
Effects of different phases of the lunar month on living organisms
U Chakraborty - Biological Rhythm Research, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The illumination and the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth are not same in all the
prominent position of the moon during the lunar month, ie new moon (NM), first quarter (FQ) …
prominent position of the moon during the lunar month, ie new moon (NM), first quarter (FQ) …
Determining the role of environmental covariates on planktivorous elasmobranch population trends within an isolated marine protected area
Studies have found predictable relationships between the behavior of planktivores and
environmental conditions, suggesting that they may be especially sensitive to environmental …
environmental conditions, suggesting that they may be especially sensitive to environmental …
Estimating harvest and its uncertainty in heterogeneous recreational fisheries
Although some stocks are being severely exploited by recreational fishing, estimating the
biomass extracted (harvest, H) by recreational fisheries is difficult, especially for marine …
biomass extracted (harvest, H) by recreational fisheries is difficult, especially for marine …