Productivity improvement by work and time study technique for earth energy-glass manufacturing company

C Duran, A Cetindere, YE Aksu - Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015 - Elsevier
Production and trade growth opportunities brought about by globalization and increased
competition, productivity growth requires in business. Sources declined with each passing …

Enhancement of productivity and overall equipment efficiency using time and motion study technique-A review

S Nallusamy, S Muthamizhmaran - Advanced Engineering Forum, 2016 - Trans Tech Publ
The manufacturing industries have incredible contribution in the global economic growth
and it has wide acknowledgment in the area of poverty mitigation. The manufacturing sector …

Understanding musculoskeletal disorders among Iranian apple harvesting laborers: Ergonomic and stop watch time studies

E Houshyar, IJ Kim - International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Background Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are usually caused by bad working
postures and habits. There is a great demand to correctly estimate laborers' work-related …

[PDF][PDF] Time and motion study in the industry 4.0 era: A systematic review of the literature

CS Nicolle, MF Vivan… - Gepros: Gestão da …, 2022 -
Purpose: the article aims to identify the main methods and tools used to study time and
motion applied in the industry over the last 10 years. Theoretical framework: with Industry 4.0 …

[PDF][PDF] Reduction in product cycle time in bearing manufacturing company

N Patel - International Journal of Engineering Research and …, 2015 - Citeseer
The reduction of cycle time has emerged as a fundamental element of new product
development. Time study method is applied to measure standard time for the process. Time …

[PDF][PDF] Time-study of Rotary-Screen-Printing Operation

D Starovoytova - Industrial Engineering Letters, 2017 -
Improving operations-efficiency is an on-going-need, for all-industries, including textile-
manufacturing. Timestudy is essential, for-both; planning and control, of industrial …

The analysis of essential factors responsible for loss of labour productivity in building construction projects in India

D Karthik, CBK Rao - Engineering Journal, 2019 -
The purpose of this paper is to find the essential factors influencing the loss of labour
productivity (LP) in construction in India and substantiate these factors with naturalistic …

[PDF][PDF] Application of Toyota way incorporating kaizen, Kaikaku and 5S in agricultural sector

WA Moi, SH Sing - International Journal for Research in Applied …, 2021 -
A noble operational framework–2K5S, a modified form of Toyota production system (TPS)
incorporating Kaizen, Kaikaku and 5S is introduced in this paper. Kaizen is continuous …

Mathematical modeling to standardize times in assembly processes: Application to four case studies

E Colina, M Peña, V Morocho… - Journal of Industrial …, 2021 -
Purpose: This paper proposes model-based standard times estimates, using multiple linear
regression, nonlinear optimization, and fuzzy systems in four real cases assembly lines. The …