Lightweight hybrid materials and structures for energy absorption: A state-of-the-art review and outlook
Lightweight materials and structures have attracted tremendous interests for their compelling
advantages in a range of engineering problems that have placed heightened requirements …
advantages in a range of engineering problems that have placed heightened requirements …
A review of advanced materials, structures and deformation modes for adaptive energy dissipation and structural crashworthiness
Thin-walled hollow structures capable of large plastic deformations are ubiquitously present
in sacrificial, high-capacity energy absorbers. A significant challenge in the field of structural …
in sacrificial, high-capacity energy absorbers. A significant challenge in the field of structural …
On crashworthiness design of hybrid metal-composite structures
As a class of promising cost-effective lightweight structures, metal-composite hybrid
structures has rapidly emerged in automotive industry largely attributable to their …
structures has rapidly emerged in automotive industry largely attributable to their …
Energy absorption of thin-walled tubes enhanced by lattice structures
E Cetin, C Baykasoğlu - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019 - Elsevier
Thin-walled structures filled or covered by various materials have been proposed for energy
absorption applications in recent years. At this point, additive manufacturing technologies …
absorption applications in recent years. At this point, additive manufacturing technologies …
Crashing analysis and multiobjective optimization for thin-walled structures with functionally graded thickness
Thin-walled structures have exhibited significant advantages in light weight and energy
absorption and been widely applied in automotive, aerospace, transportation and defense …
absorption and been widely applied in automotive, aerospace, transportation and defense …
[HTML][HTML] Hybrid reinforced thermoset polymer composite in energy absorption tube application: A review
The custom of hybridization fibre composite in energy absorption tube application has
gained the attention of structural crashworthiness in composite material industry. Thus, the …
gained the attention of structural crashworthiness in composite material industry. Thus, the …
Experimental investigation of the quasi-static axial crushing behavior of filament-wound CFRP and aluminum/CFRP hybrid tubes
This study aims to investigate the effects of winding angles (25°, 50°, 75°, 90°; the 0°
winding angle is along the axial direction of the tube) and thicknesses (3-ply, 6-ply, 9-ply) on …
winding angle is along the axial direction of the tube) and thicknesses (3-ply, 6-ply, 9-ply) on …
Buckling and fracture analysis of thick and long composite cylinders with cutouts under axial Compression: An experimental and numerical campaign
This article reports on the manufacturing, experimental testing, and finite element analysis of
very thick and long carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP) tubes under uniaxial …
very thick and long carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP) tubes under uniaxial …
Hybrid metal/composite structures under quasi-static axial compression loads: a comparative study
MMA Allah, MIA El Aal, MAA El-baky - Fibers and Polymers, 2024 - Springer
This research presents an experimental examination of the crashworthiness performance
and the crush history of hybrid constructions made of metal and composite materials. The …
and the crush history of hybrid constructions made of metal and composite materials. The …
Crushing analysis and multiobjective crashworthiness optimization of foam-filled ellipse tubes under oblique impact loading
In this paper, a novel foam-filled ellipse tube (FET) is proposed and compared with other
hollow and foam-filled tubes with different cross-sections under multiple loading angles …
hollow and foam-filled tubes with different cross-sections under multiple loading angles …