[KNIHA][B] Gauge symmetries, symmetry breaking, and gauge-invariant approaches
Gauge symmetries play a central role, both in the mathematical foundations as well as the
conceptual construction of modern (particle) physics theories. However, it is yet unclear …
conceptual construction of modern (particle) physics theories. However, it is yet unclear …
Dressing vs. Fixing: On How to Extract and Interpret Gauge-Invariant Content
P Berghofer, J François - Foundations of Physics, 2024 - Springer
There is solid consensus among physicists and philosophers that, in gauge field theory, for a
quantity to be physically meaningful or real, it must be gauge-invariant. Yet, every …
quantity to be physically meaningful or real, it must be gauge-invariant. Yet, every …
Gauge-invariant description of the Higgs resonance and its phenomenological implications
A Maas, R Sondenheimer - Physical Review D, 2020 - APS
We investigate the phenomenological consequences of a strict gauge-invariant formulation
of the Higgs particle. This requires a description of the observable scalar particle in terms of …
of the Higgs particle. This requires a description of the observable scalar particle in terms of …
Quantum field theories of relativistic Luttinger fermions
H Gies, P Heinzel, J Laufkötter, M Picciau - Physical Review D, 2024 - APS
We propose relativistic Luttinger fermions as a new ingredient for the construction of
fundamental quantum field theories. We construct the corresponding Clifford algebra and …
fundamental quantum field theories. We construct the corresponding Clifford algebra and …
Vector boson scattering from the lattice
P Jenny, A Maas, B Riederer - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
We study vector-boson scattering of the physical, gauge-invariant states in a reduced
standard-model setup on the lattice for various parameter sets. To this end, the phase shift in …
standard-model setup on the lattice for various parameter sets. To this end, the phase shift in …
Spectral properties of local gauge invariant composite operators in the SU(2) Yang–Mills–Higgs model
The spectral properties of a set of local gauge (BRST) invariant composite operators are
investigated in the SU (2) Yang–Mills–Higgs model with a single Higgs field in the …
investigated in the SU (2) Yang–Mills–Higgs model with a single Higgs field in the …
Grand unification and the Planck scale: an SO (10) example of radiative symmetry breaking
A Held, J Kwapisz, L Sartore - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract Grand unification of gauge couplings and fermionic representations remains an
appealing proposal to explain the seemingly coincidental structure of the Standard Model …
appealing proposal to explain the seemingly coincidental structure of the Standard Model …
Gauge-invariant spectral description of the U (1) Higgs model from local composite operators
A bstract The spectral properties of a set of local gauge-invariant composite operators are
investigated in the U (1) Higgs model quantized in the't Hooft R ξ gauge. These operators …
investigated in the U (1) Higgs model quantized in the't Hooft R ξ gauge. These operators …
Gauge invariant operators in the Higgs model: Ward identities and renormalization
The renormalization properties of two local gauge invariant composite operators (O, R μ a)
corresponding, respectively, to the gauge invariant description of the Higgs particle and of …
corresponding, respectively, to the gauge invariant description of the Higgs particle and of …
The Abelian Higgs model under a gauge invariant looking glass: exploiting new Ward identities for gauge invariant operators and the Equivalence Theorem
D Dudal, G Peruzzo, SP Sorella - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract The content of two additional Ward identities exhibited by the U (1) Higgs model is
exploited. These novel Ward identities can be derived only when a pair of local composite …
exploited. These novel Ward identities can be derived only when a pair of local composite …