Free thyroxine measurement in clinical practice: how to optimize indications, analytical procedures, and interpretation criteria while waiting for global standardization
Thyroid dysfunctions are among the most common endocrine disorders and accurate
biochemical testing is needed to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Notably, true …
biochemical testing is needed to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Notably, true …
Reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone is associated with diabetes and hypertension
Context Recently, reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone as a more common finding in the
general population and its possible association with metabolic parameters has been the …
general population and its possible association with metabolic parameters has been the …
Increased remission rates after long-term methimazole therapy in patients with Graves' disease: results of a randomized clinical trial
Background: Studies differ regarding whether, compared with courses of conventional
duration, longer-term antithyroid drug treatment increases frequency of remission in patients …
duration, longer-term antithyroid drug treatment increases frequency of remission in patients …
Relational stability in the expression of normality, variation, and control of thyroid function
R Hoermann, JEM Midgley, R Larisch… - Frontiers in …, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Thyroid hormone concentrations only become sufficient to maintain a euthyroid state
through appropriate stimulation by pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). In such a …
through appropriate stimulation by pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). In such a …
Investigating the prevalence of primary thyroid dysfunction in obese and overweight individuals: Tehran thyroid study
Background Due to the increasing worldwide prevalence of obesity, it is essential to
determine the prevalence of obesity-related thyroid dysfunctions. The purpose of this study …
determine the prevalence of obesity-related thyroid dysfunctions. The purpose of this study …
Serum free thyroxine concentration is associated with metabolic syndrome in euthyroid subjects
Context: The association between thyroid hormones within the euthyroid range and
metabolic syndrome is not clear. Aim: This study evaluated the relationship between thyroid …
metabolic syndrome is not clear. Aim: This study evaluated the relationship between thyroid …
Thyroid function and metabolic syndrome: a population-based thyroid study
The impact of thyroid dysfunction in subclinical ranges on metabolic syndrome (MetS) is not
well known. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the association of thyroid dysfunction …
well known. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the association of thyroid dysfunction …
The prevalence, incidence and natural course of positive antithyroperoxidase antibodies in a population-based study: Tehran thyroid study
Objective Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb), the most common antibody frequently
measured in population surveys is a protein expressed in the thyroid gland. We conducted …
measured in population surveys is a protein expressed in the thyroid gland. We conducted …
Treatment of toxic multinodular goiter: comparison of radioiodine and long-term methimazole treatment
Background: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness and safety of long-term
methimazole (MMI) and radioiodine (RAI) in the treatment of toxic multinodular goiter …
methimazole (MMI) and radioiodine (RAI) in the treatment of toxic multinodular goiter …
Association between thyroid function and development of different obesity phenotypes in euthyroid adults: a nine-year follow-up
Background: Considering inconsistent and conflicting data on associations of thyroid
function, within the reference range, with anthropometric measures and metabolic …
function, within the reference range, with anthropometric measures and metabolic …