The carbon cost of agricultural production in the global land rush
Increases in the number of large-scale land transactions (LSLTs), commonly known as 'land
grabbing'or 'global land rush,'have occurred throughout the lower-and middle-income world …
grabbing'or 'global land rush,'have occurred throughout the lower-and middle-income world …
[HTML][HTML] Large-scale acquisitions of communal land in the Global South: Assessing the risks and formulating policy recommendations
This article conceptualises and empirically assesses the socioeconomic and environmental
risks of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for communal lands in the Global South …
risks of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for communal lands in the Global South …
[HTML][HTML] Institutional environments and conflict between foreign investors and local communities in large-scale agricultural land acquisitions
T Ueta - International Business Review, 2024 - Elsevier
This study explores when conflict between foreign investors and local communities is likely
to arise in large-scale agricultural land acquisitions (agricultural LSLAs) in develo** …
to arise in large-scale agricultural land acquisitions (agricultural LSLAs) in develo** …
Contextual appraisal of large scale land investment and governance for equity and sustainanbility in Sub-Saharan Africa
DO Appiah, R Ottou, J Odei - Environment, Development and …, 2024 - Springer
This paper uses a systematic literature review of past and existing land-based projects in
selected African countries, to interrogate two fundamental questions;(1) What are the factors …
selected African countries, to interrogate two fundamental questions;(1) What are the factors …
Resource frontiers and agglomeration economies: The varied logics of transnational land-based investing in Southern and Eastern Africa
Actor-level data on large-scale commercial agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa are scarce.
The peculiar choice of transnational investing in African land has, therefore, been subject to …
The peculiar choice of transnational investing in African land has, therefore, been subject to …
The impact of unimplemented large-scale land development deals
Although many land deals are never implemented to production stage, little is known about
how abandoned projects affect local communities and the government agencies that …
how abandoned projects affect local communities and the government agencies that …
Minding 'productive gaps': an appraisal of non-operational land deals in seven sub-saharan African Countries
J Bélair, L Engström, M Gagné - The Journal of Development …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
One of the dominant global development agendas for rural Africa in the past two decades
has cast large-scale agro-industrial investments as a solution to achieve more efficient land …
has cast large-scale agro-industrial investments as a solution to achieve more efficient land …
Unraveling the Impact of Development Zones on Industrial Land-Use Efficiency: Empirical Analysis in Kunshan, China
Abstract Development zones (DZs) have long been regarded as an important engine of
economic growth. Nevertheless, the booming of DZs in China has also brought about land …
economic growth. Nevertheless, the booming of DZs in China has also brought about land …
Understanding land deals in Limbo in Africa: A focus on actors, processes, and relationships
Land, as the material and symbolic foundation of agrarian life, is situated at the heart of
African studies. 1 Debates over land access and control have grown in salience and …
African studies. 1 Debates over land access and control have grown in salience and …
Defining “success” in large-scale agricultural investment: a typology based on different stakeholder perspectives
Abstract In 2007/2008, a triple crisis of food, fuel and finance sparked a global rush for
agricultural land; tens of millions of hectares were acquired, primarily by foreign investors …
agricultural land; tens of millions of hectares were acquired, primarily by foreign investors …