The carbon cost of agricultural production in the global land rush

C Liao, K Nolte, DG Brown, J Lay, A Agrawal - Global Environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
Increases in the number of large-scale land transactions (LSLTs), commonly known as 'land
grabbing'or 'global land rush,'have occurred throughout the lower-and middle-income world …

[HTML][HTML] Large-scale acquisitions of communal land in the Global South: Assessing the risks and formulating policy recommendations

JAR Barajas, C Kubitza, J Lay - Land Use Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
This article conceptualises and empirically assesses the socioeconomic and environmental
risks of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for communal lands in the Global South …

[HTML][HTML] Institutional environments and conflict between foreign investors and local communities in large-scale agricultural land acquisitions

T Ueta - International Business Review, 2024 - Elsevier
This study explores when conflict between foreign investors and local communities is likely
to arise in large-scale agricultural land acquisitions (agricultural LSLAs) in develo** …

Contextual appraisal of large scale land investment and governance for equity and sustainanbility in Sub-Saharan Africa

DO Appiah, R Ottou, J Odei - Environment, Development and …, 2024 - Springer
This paper uses a systematic literature review of past and existing land-based projects in
selected African countries, to interrogate two fundamental questions;(1) What are the factors …

Resource frontiers and agglomeration economies: The varied logics of transnational land-based investing in Southern and Eastern Africa

D Abeygunawardane, A Kronenburg García, Z Sun… - Ambio, 2022 - Springer
Actor-level data on large-scale commercial agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa are scarce.
The peculiar choice of transnational investing in African land has, therefore, been subject to …

The impact of unimplemented large-scale land development deals

RB Broegaard, T Vongvisouk, O Mertz - Frontiers in Sustainable Food …, 2022 -
Although many land deals are never implemented to production stage, little is known about
how abandoned projects affect local communities and the government agencies that …

Minding 'productive gaps': an appraisal of non-operational land deals in seven sub-saharan African Countries

J Bélair, L Engström, M Gagné - The Journal of Development …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
One of the dominant global development agendas for rural Africa in the past two decades
has cast large-scale agro-industrial investments as a solution to achieve more efficient land …

Unraveling the Impact of Development Zones on Industrial Land-Use Efficiency: Empirical Analysis in Kunshan, China

J Zhu, L Lv, J Gao - Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2025 -
Abstract Development zones (DZs) have long been regarded as an important engine of
economic growth. Nevertheless, the booming of DZs in China has also brought about land …

Understanding land deals in Limbo in Africa: A focus on actors, processes, and relationships

YB Chung, M Gagné - African Studies Review, 2021 -
Land, as the material and symbolic foundation of agrarian life, is situated at the heart of
African studies. 1 Debates over land access and control have grown in salience and …

Defining “success” in large-scale agricultural investment: a typology based on different stakeholder perspectives

L Cochrane, A ElAlfy, H Azadi, M Dejene - Discover Sustainability, 2024 - Springer
Abstract In 2007/2008, a triple crisis of food, fuel and finance sparked a global rush for
agricultural land; tens of millions of hectares were acquired, primarily by foreign investors …