Influence of social and physical environmental variation on antipredator behavior in mixed-species parid flocks
Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) and tufted titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) regularly
form flocks with multiple species through the winter months, including white-breasted …
form flocks with multiple species through the winter months, including white-breasted …
Mixed-species groups and aggregations: sha** ecological and behavioural patterns and processes
Mixed-species groups of birds, fishes and mammals have traditionally been described in
taxa-specific journals. However, mixed-species systems are actually more widely found …
taxa-specific journals. However, mixed-species systems are actually more widely found …
Mixed-species flock sizes and compositions influence flock members' success in three field experiments with novel feeders
Mixed-species groups and aggregations are quite common and may provide substantial
fitness-related benefits to group members. Individuals may benefit from the overall size of …
fitness-related benefits to group members. Individuals may benefit from the overall size of …
TM Freeberg - 2015 -
43. Avey, MT, Bloomfield, LL, Elie, JE, Freeberg, TM, Guillette, LM, Hoeschele, M., Lee, H.,
Moscicki, MK, Owens, JL, & Sturdy, CB (2014). ZENK activation in the nidopallium of black …
Moscicki, MK, Owens, JL, & Sturdy, CB (2014). ZENK activation in the nidopallium of black …