Model based avatars for virtual presence

H Wolf - US Patent 8,504,926, 2013 - Google Patents
(58) Fist of Classification Search 71.5/848, 751. 759 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Collard &
Roe, PC See application file for complete search history.(57) ABSTRACT (56) References …

Indicating the context of a communication

MW Brown, MA Paolini, NJ Smith Jr - US Patent 8,495,503, 2013 - Google Patents
et al...................... T10/18 JP 2002117027 8, 2002 6,031,549 A 2/2000 Hayes-Roth 345/474 …

Agent accessory tool cooperating with integrated application on WEB server by HTTP protocol

Y Nishizawa - US Patent 6,842,779, 2005 - Google Patents
Appl. No.: 09/423,317 An agent accessory tool which enables integration of a (22) PCT
Filed: Mar. 11, 1998 Web-type application operating within a browser area and (86) PCT …

System and method for consumer-selected advertising and branding in interactive media

LL Kusumoto, ED Sacerdoti, LJ Sigler… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A user of an interactive medium may select advertising for display on the
user's avatar, property, or otheruser-associated environment. The invention presents one or …

Methods, systems, and data structures for performing searches on three dimensional objects

K Ramani, N Iyer, K Lou, S Jayanti - US Patent 8,429,174, 2013 - Google Patents
Techniques are provided for searching on three dimensional (3D) objects across large,
distributed repositories of 3D mod els. 3D shapes are created for input to a search system; …

Network-linked interactive three-dimensional composition and display of saleable objects in situ in viewer-selected scenes for purposes of promotion and procurement

B Carlin, S Asami, A Porras, S Porras - US Patent 7,062,722, 2006 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A design professional Such as an interior designer running a browser
program at a client computer (i) optionally causes a digital image of a room, or a room …

System and method for consumer-selected advertising and branding in interactive media

LL Kusumoto, ED Sacerdoti, LJ Sigler… - US Patent …, 2005 - Google Patents
Participants in a virtual world in an interactive, Virtual environment implemented by
computer networks and other interactive media Such as interactive television are recruited to …

System and method for generating an animatable character

KL Hunter - US Patent 7,746,345, 2010 - Google Patents
Laminate texture maps to skeleton of rods and joints. The rods are static components Which
remain rigid during motion, While the Various joints are moveable components. A static …

Enabling communication between users surfing the same web page

S Tenembaum, I Ivanoff - US Patent App. 10/518,175, 2006 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A Web page is YACHNEETM enabled by providing an icon on the page
Which alloWs actuation upon being clicked. The user is then able to design a character to …

Chat interface with haptic feedback functionality

EF Wies, DC Chang, MP Ruf - US Patent 7,159,008, 2007 - Google Patents
709f2O4, 206. 218, 219, 217: 345/329 33. network. A chat interface can be displayed by a
local 345/706 156 349 161 168 473 419 705/35. computer and receives input data from a …