Eigensolution, expectation values and thermodynamic properties of the screened Kratzer potential
Within the framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanics via the Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU)
method, we obtained the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding normalized …
method, we obtained the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding normalized …
The Nikiforov–Uvarov-Functional Analysis (NUFA) Method: A new approach for solving exponential-type potentials
A new method for solving second order differential equation called “Nikiforov–Uvarov-
Functional-Analysis (NUFA) method is generalized. This method is employed to obtain the …
Functional-Analysis (NUFA) method is generalized. This method is employed to obtain the …
Thermodynamic properties of Aharanov–Bohm (AB) and magnetic fields with screened Kratzer potential
In this study, the Schrödinger equation (SE) with screened Kratzer potential (SKP) in the
presence of external magnetic and AB-flux fields is investigated using the factorization …
presence of external magnetic and AB-flux fields is investigated using the factorization …
Any l-state solutions of the Schrodinger equation interacting with Hellmann–Kratzer potential model
The approximate analytical solutions of the radial Schrodinger equation have been obtained
with a newly proposed potential called Hellmann–Kratzer potential. The potential is a …
with a newly proposed potential called Hellmann–Kratzer potential. The potential is a …
Ro-vibrational energies of CO molecule via improved generalized Pöschl–Teller potential and Pekeris-type approximation
The improved form of the generalized Pöschl–Teller potential (GPT) has been introduced to
discuss diatomic molecules. Schrödinger equation has been solved for the improved …
discuss diatomic molecules. Schrödinger equation has been solved for the improved …
Solutions of the Klein Gordon equation with generalized hyperbolic potential in D-dimensions
We solve the D-dimensional Klein–Gordon equation with a newly proposed generalized
hyperbolic potential model, under the condition of equal scalar and vector potentials. The …
hyperbolic potential model, under the condition of equal scalar and vector potentials. The …
Spin and pseudospin solutions to Dirac equation and its thermodynamic properties using hyperbolic Hulthen plus hyperbolic exponential inversely quadratic potential
In this research article, the modified approximation to the centrifugal barrier term is applied
to solve an approximate bound state solutions of Dirac equation for spin and pseudospin …
to solve an approximate bound state solutions of Dirac equation for spin and pseudospin …
Bound state solution of radial schrodinger equation for the quark–antiquark interaction potential
This work analytically solved the radial Schrödinger equation with an exponential,
generalised, anharmonic Cornell potential using the series expansion method. It also …
generalised, anharmonic Cornell potential using the series expansion method. It also …
[HTML][HTML] Thermodynamic properties of improved deformed exponential-type potential (IDEP) for some diatomic molecules
Within the framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the ro-vibrational energy
spectra of the improved deformed exponential-type potential model are obtained using the …
spectra of the improved deformed exponential-type potential model are obtained using the …
Dirac equation and thermodynamic properties with the Modified Kratzer potential
In this work, we present the analytical solutions of Dirac equation for modified Kratzer
potential in the pseudospin and spin symmetry limits using the formula method. The …
potential in the pseudospin and spin symmetry limits using the formula method. The …