UniverseMachine: The correlation between galaxy growth and dark matter halo assembly from z = 0−10
We present a method to flexibly and self-consistently determine individual galaxies' star
formation rates (SFRs) from their host haloes' potential well depths, assembly histories, and …
formation rates (SFRs) from their host haloes' potential well depths, assembly histories, and …
The average star formation histories of galaxies in dark matter halos from z= 0–8
We present a robust method to constrain average galaxy star formation rates (SFRs), star
formation histories (SFHs), and the intracluster light (ICL) as a function of halo mass. Our …
formation histories (SFHs), and the intracluster light (ICL) as a function of halo mass. Our …
Galaxy evolution in groups and clusters: satellite star formation histories and quenching time-scales in a hierarchical Universe
AR Wetzel, JL Tinker, C Conroy… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Satellite galaxies in groups and clusters are more likely to have low star formation rates
(SFRs) and lie on the 'red sequence'than central ('field') galaxies. Using galaxy group/cluster …
(SFRs) and lie on the 'red sequence'than central ('field') galaxies. Using galaxy group/cluster …
From dwarf spheroidals to cD galaxies: simulating the galaxy population in a ΛCDM cosmology
We have updated and extended our semi-analytic galaxy formation modelling capabilities
and applied them simultaneously to the stored halo/subhalo merger trees of the Millennium …
and applied them simultaneously to the stored halo/subhalo merger trees of the Millennium …
Dark matter halos in the standard cosmological model: Results from the bolshoi simulation
AA Klypin, S Trujillo-Gomez… - The Astrophysical …, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
ABSTRACT Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) is now the standard theory of structure
formation in the universe. We present the first results from the new Bolshoi dissipationless …
formation in the universe. We present the first results from the new Bolshoi dissipationless …
The splashback radius as a physical halo boundary and the growth of halo mass
The boundaries of cold dark matter halos are commonly defined to enclose a density
contrast Δ relative to a reference (mean or critical) density. We argue that a more physical …
contrast Δ relative to a reference (mean or critical) density. We argue that a more physical …
A comprehensive analysis of uncertainties affecting the stellar mass–halo mass relation for 0< z< 4
PS Behroozi, C Conroy… - The Astrophysical …, 2010 - iopscience.iop.org
We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between central galaxies and their
host dark matter halos, as characterized by the stellar mass–halo mass (SM–HM) relation …
host dark matter halos, as characterized by the stellar mass–halo mass (SM–HM) relation …
The stellar-to-halo mass relation over the past 12 Gyr-I. Standard ΛCDM model
Aims. Understanding the link between the galaxy properties and the dark matter halos they
reside in and their coevolution is a powerful tool for constraining the processes related to …
reside in and their coevolution is a powerful tool for constraining the processes related to …
Galaxy clustering in the completed SDSS redshift survey: the dependence on color and luminosity
We measure the luminosity and color dependence of galaxy clustering in the largest-ever
galaxy redshift survey, the main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Seventh Data …
galaxy redshift survey, the main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Seventh Data …
Constraints on the relationship between stellar mass and halo mass at low and high redshift
We use a statistical approach to determine the relationship between the stellar masses of
galaxies and the masses of the dark matter halos in which they reside. We obtain a …
galaxies and the masses of the dark matter halos in which they reside. We obtain a …