Enhanced computer vision with microsoft kinect sensor: A review
With the invention of the low-cost Microsoft Kinect sensor, high-resolution depth and visual
(RGB) sensing has become available for widespread use. The complementary nature of the …
(RGB) sensing has become available for widespread use. The complementary nature of the …
Automated guided vehicles and autonomous mobile robots for recognition and tracking in civil engineering
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) have been
widely used recently to solve various engineering problems in logistics, manufacturing, and …
widely used recently to solve various engineering problems in logistics, manufacturing, and …
Nice-slam: Neural implicit scalable encoding for slam
Neural implicit representations have recently shown encouraging results in various
domains, including promising progress in simultaneous localization and map** (SLAM) …
domains, including promising progress in simultaneous localization and map** (SLAM) …
imap: Implicit map** and positioning in real-time
We show for the first time that a multilayer perceptron (MLP) can serve as the only scene
representation in a real-time SLAM system for a handheld RGB-D camera. Our network is …
representation in a real-time SLAM system for a handheld RGB-D camera. Our network is …
Past, present, and future of simultaneous localization and map**: Toward the robust-perception age
Simultaneous localization and map** (SLAM) consists in the concurrent construction of a
model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving …
model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving …
Nerf-slam: Real-time dense monocular slam with neural radiance fields
We propose a novel geometric and photometric 3D map** pipeline for accurate and real-
time scene reconstruction from casually taken monocular images. To achieve this, we …
time scene reconstruction from casually taken monocular images. To achieve this, we …
Gs-slam: Dense visual slam with 3d gaussian splatting
In this paper we introduce GS-SLAM that first utilizes 3D Gaussian representation in the
Simultaneous Localization and Map** (SLAM) system. It facilitates a better balance …
Simultaneous Localization and Map** (SLAM) system. It facilitates a better balance …
Eslam: Efficient dense slam system based on hybrid representation of signed distance fields
We present ESLAM, an efficient implicit neural representation method for Simultaneous
Localization and Map** (SLAM). ESLAM reads RGB-D frames with unknown camera …
Localization and Map** (SLAM). ESLAM reads RGB-D frames with unknown camera …
Nicer-slam: Neural implicit scene encoding for rgb slam
Neural implicit representations have recently become popular in simultaneous localization
and map** (SLAM), especially in dense visual SLAM. However, existing works either rely …
and map** (SLAM), especially in dense visual SLAM. However, existing works either rely …
OctoMap: An efficient probabilistic 3D map** framework based on octrees
Three-dimensional models provide a volumetric representation of space which is important
for a variety of robotic applications including flying robots and robots that are equipped with …
for a variety of robotic applications including flying robots and robots that are equipped with …