Nucleation and growth of gold nanoparticles initiated by nanosecond and femtosecond laser irradiation of aqueous [AuCl 4]−
Irradiation of aqueous [AuCl4]− with 532 nm nanosecond (ns) laser pulses produces
monodisperse (PDI= 0.04) 5 nm Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) without any additives or cap** …
monodisperse (PDI= 0.04) 5 nm Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) without any additives or cap** …
Thermal control of plasmonic surface lattice resonances
Plasmonic metasurfaces exhibiting collective responses known as surface lattice
resonances (SLRs) show potential for realizing flat photonic components for wavelength …
resonances (SLRs) show potential for realizing flat photonic components for wavelength …
Refractory titanium nitride two-dimensional structures with extremely narrow surface lattice resonances at telecommunication wavelengths
Regular arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles have brought significant attention over the last
decade due to their ability to support localized surface plasmons (LSPs) and exhibit …
decade due to their ability to support localized surface plasmons (LSPs) and exhibit …
Indium tin oxide and gold nanoparticle solar filters for concentrating photovoltaic thermal systems
The combination of concentrating solar power and photovoltaic technologies in hybrid
photovoltaics thermal systems have the potential of increasing the overall efficiency of solar …
photovoltaics thermal systems have the potential of increasing the overall efficiency of solar …
Generation and evolution of nanobubbles on heated nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study
Molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the generation and evolution
of nanobubbles on heated gold-like nanoparticles (GNPs). The effects of surface wettability …
of nanobubbles on heated gold-like nanoparticles (GNPs). The effects of surface wettability …
Engineering novel tunable optical high-Q nanoparticle array filters for a wide range of wavelengths
The interaction of non-monochromatic radiation with arrays comprising plasmonic and
dielectric nanoparticles has been studied using the finite-difference time-domain …
dielectric nanoparticles has been studied using the finite-difference time-domain …
Plasmon-enhanced upconversion: engineering enhancement and quenching at nano and macro scales
Photon upconversion (UC) is the sequential absorption of two or more low frequency
photons and subsequent emission of light at a higher frequency. Because of a large number …
photons and subsequent emission of light at a higher frequency. Because of a large number …
Super-efficient laser hyperthermia of malignant cells with core-shell nanoparticles based on alternative plasmonic materials
New type of highly absorbing core-shell AZO/Au (aluminum doped zinc oxide/gold) and
GZO/Au (gallium doped zinc oxide/gold) nanoparticles have been proposed for …
GZO/Au (gallium doped zinc oxide/gold) nanoparticles have been proposed for …
Surface plasmon resonances in liquid metal nanoparticles
We have shown significant suppression of resonant properties of metallic nanoparticles at
the surface plasmon frequency during the phase transition “solid–liquid” in the basic …
the surface plasmon frequency during the phase transition “solid–liquid” in the basic …
Optical properties of colloidal indium tin oxide suspended in a thermal fluid
We investigated changes in the optical properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) nanocrystals as a
function of temperature. ITO is a plasmonic, wide-band-gap semiconductor capable of …
function of temperature. ITO is a plasmonic, wide-band-gap semiconductor capable of …