[HTML][HTML] Addressing gender inequalities and strengthening women's agency to create more climate-resilient and sustainable food systems
Climate change affects every aspect of the food system, including all nodes along agri-food
value chains from production to consumption, the food environments in which people live …
value chains from production to consumption, the food environments in which people live …
Community engagement for disaster preparedness: A systematic literature review
Disaster management agencies invest differing levels of resources into guiding communities
to get ready for a range of hazards, and are increasingly turning to community engagement …
to get ready for a range of hazards, and are increasingly turning to community engagement …
[KNIHA][B] Beyond empathy and inclusion: The challenge of listening in democratic deliberation
MF Scudder - 2020 - books.google.com
Political theorists often see deliberation--understood as communication and debate among
citizens--as a fundamental act of democratic citizenship. In other words, the legitimacy of a …
citizens--as a fundamental act of democratic citizenship. In other words, the legitimacy of a …
Which type of producer organization is (more) inclusive? Dynamics of farmers' membership and participation in the decision‐making process
Producer organizations (POs) provide benefits to smallholders by alleviating market access
challenges. However, whether all farmers benefit from a PO is still a question. Limited …
challenges. However, whether all farmers benefit from a PO is still a question. Limited …
National-level evaluation of a community-based marine management initiative
Community-based approaches to conservation and natural resource management are
considered essential to meeting global conservation targets. Despite widespread adoption …
considered essential to meeting global conservation targets. Despite widespread adoption …
Beyond ecological synergies: Examining the impact of participatory agroecology on social capital in smallholder farming communities
The pivotal role of social capital in smallholder agriculture is widely acknowledged. The
growth effect of social capital manifests in how networks and trust facilitate access to …
growth effect of social capital manifests in how networks and trust facilitate access to …
Agroecology and household production diversity and dietary diversity: Evidence from a five-year agroecological intervention in rural Malawi
Following a decade of declining food insecurity, the global undernourished population has
increased successively in the last three years. This increasing trend highlights the challenge …
increased successively in the last three years. This increasing trend highlights the challenge …
The ideal of uptake in democratic deliberation
MF Scudder - Political Studies, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores the concept of deliberative uptake, which I define as the fair
consideration of the arguments, stories, and perspectives that citizens share in deliberation …
consideration of the arguments, stories, and perspectives that citizens share in deliberation …
Gender socialization
E Hoominfar - Gender equality, 2021 - Springer
G resources, expenditure, and activities necessary for the survival of the household and
general well-being of its members on a more or less regular basis (Casimir and Tobi 2011) …
general well-being of its members on a more or less regular basis (Casimir and Tobi 2011) …
The third sector and climate change: A literature review and agenda for future research and action
This article presents a summary review of the voluntary sector literature on third sector
organizations (TSOs) and climate change. As governments around the world fail to respond …
organizations (TSOs) and climate change. As governments around the world fail to respond …