Major depression and its recurrences: life course matters

SM Monroe, KL Harkness - Annual review of clinical psychology, 2022 -
Major depression is one of the most prevalent and debilitating personal and public health
conditions worldwide. Less appreciated is that depression's tremendous burdens are not …

Stress, sex hormones, inflammation, and major depressive disorder: Extending Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression to account for sex differences in …

GM Slavich, J Sacher - Psychopharmacology, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression is a biologically plausible, multi-
level theory that describes neural, physiologic, molecular, and genomic mechanisms that …

Life stress and health: A review of conceptual issues and recent findings

GM Slavich - Teaching of Psychology, 2016 -
Life stress is a central construct in many models of human health and disease. The present
article reviews research on stress and health, with a focus on (a) how life stress has been …

[HTML][HTML] Assessing lifetime stress exposure using the Stress and Adversity Inventory for Adults (Adult STRAIN): An overview and initial validation

GM Slavich, GS Shields - Psychosomatic medicine, 2018 -
Objective Numerous theories have proposed that acute and chronic stressors may exert a
cumulative effect on life-span health by causing biological “wear and tear,” or allostatic load …

Stress and depression

C Hammen - Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol., 2005 -
Improved methods of assessment and research design have established a robust and
causal association between stressful life events and major depressive episodes. The …

If it goes up, must it come down? Chronic stress and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in humans.

GE Miller, E Chen, ES Zhou - Psychological bulletin, 2007 -
The notion that chronic stress fosters disease by activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenocortical (HPA) axis is featured prominently in many theories. The research linking …

Seeing the silver lining: cognitive reappraisal ability moderates the relationship between stress and depressive symptoms.

AS Troy, FH Wilhelm, AJ Shallcross, IB Mauss - Emotion, 2010 -
Individuals differ in their adjustment to stressful life events, with some exhibiting impaired
functioning, including depression, while others exhibit impressive resilience. The present …

Lifetime stress exposure and health: A review of contemporary assessment methods and biological mechanisms

GS Shields, GM Slavich - Social and personality psychology …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Life stress is a central construct in health research because it is associated with increased
risk for a variety of serious mental and physical health problems, including anxiety disorders …

Vulnerability-stress models

RE Ingram, DD Luxton - Development of psychopathology: A …, 2005 -
E arly models of psychopathology typically identified processes operating during the course
of the disorder as reflecting the key determinants of the onset of psychopathology (eg …

Labeling and stigma

BG Link, JC Phelan - Handbook of the sociology of mental health, 2013 - Springer
The chapter addresses the stigma associated with mental illnesses. It begins by
summarizing the development of thinking about labeling and stigma over the past half …