[HTML][HTML] Assessing the potential of robotics technology for enhancing educational for children with autism spectrum disorder

M Alghamdi, N Alhakbani, A Al-Nafjan - Behavioral Sciences, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Robotics technology has been increasingly used as an educational and intervention tool for
children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there remain research issues and …

A sco** review of the use of robotics technologies for supporting social-emotional learning in children with autism

S Kewalramani, KA Allen, E Leif, A Ng - Journal of Autism and …, 2024‏ - Springer
This sco** review synthesises the current research into robotics technologies for
promoting social-emotional learning in children with autism spectrum disorder. It examines …

Does the learning environment 'make the grade'? A systematic review of accommodations for children on the autism spectrum in mainstream school

E Leifler, G Carpelan, A Zakrevska, S Bölte… - Scandinavian Journal …, 2021‏ - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Background The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adapted by the United
Nations envisions inclusive and equitable quality education. While there is a growing body …

Psychological treatment strategies for challenging behaviours in neurodevelopmental disorders: what lies beyond a purely behavioural approach?

KA Woodcock, S Blackwell - Current opinion in psychiatry, 2020‏ - journals.lww.com
Greater consideration of the interplay between behavioural and nonbehavioural intervention
components; systematic approaches to personalization when going beyond the behavioural …

Improving student attitudes toward autistic individuals: A systematic review

E Settanni, L Kern, AM Blasko - Journal of Autism and Developmental …, 2024‏ - Springer
There is an increasing number of autistic students being educated alongside their
neurotypical peers. However, placing a student in the general education setting is not …

[HTML][HTML] The participation of students with autism in educational robotics: A sco** review

A Nanou, D Karampatzakis - Social Sciences, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Educational robotics (ER) is a growing interdisciplinary field that is attracting increasing
attention in inclusive or special education settings. It provides a suitable educational …

Exploring the potentials of robotics in supporting children with autism spectrum disorder.

ST Mostajo, OM Legaspi, MG Camarse… - IAFOR Journal of …, 2021‏ - ERIC
Technological advances have facilitated robots to perform a variety of human-like functions
which have steered the interest of educators, researchers, and practitioners to discover the …

A preliminary study on effectiveness of a standardized multi-robot therapy for improvement in collaborative multi-human interaction of children with ASD

S Ali, F Mehmood, MJ Khan, Y Ayaz, U Asgher… - IEEE …, 2020‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This research article presents a preliminary longitudinal study to check the improvement in
multi-human communication of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using a …

Using Daisy Robot as a Motive for Children with ASD to Participate in Triadic Activities.

S Pliasa, N Fachantidis - Themes in eLearning, 2019‏ - ERIC
Independent studies in various settings indicate that interventions with Socially Assistive
Robots, might help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to participate in activities …

Robótica para la inclusión educativa: una revisión sistemática

JR Parra - RiiTE Revista interuniversitaria de investigación en …, 2021‏ - revistas.um.es
La educación debe ser inclusiva y uno de los instrumentos de los que se puede servir es la
robótica. Además, uno de los elementos de la robótica es la programación y para programar …