Computational intelligence and feature selection: rough and fuzzy approaches

R Jensen, Q Shen - 2008 -
The rough and fuzzy set approaches presented here open up many new frontiers for
continued research and development Computational Intelligence and Feature Selection …

[PDF][PDF] Combining rough and fuzzy sets for feature selection

R Jensen - 2005 -
Feature selection (FS) refers to the problem of selecting those input attributes that are most
predictive of a given outcome; a problem encountered in many areas such as machine …

Three novel fuzzy logic concepts applied to reshoring decision-making

P Hilletofth, M Sequeira, A Adlemo - Expert systems with applications, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the possibility of increasing the interpretability of fuzzy rules and
reducing the complexity when designing fuzzy rules. To achieve this, three novel fuzzy logic …

Swing-up control of an inverted pendulum cart system using the approach of Hedge-algebras theory

HL Bui, MN Pham, TTH Nguyen - Soft Computing, 2022 - Springer
The hedge-algebras (HA) theory has been effectively applied in different fields such as fuzzy
database, logic programming, classification and regression, data mining, linguistic database …

Fuzzy networks for complex systems

A Gegov - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. doi, 2010 - Springer
This book introduces the novel concept of a fuzzy network. In particular, it describes further
developments of some results from its predecessor book on Complexity Management in …

[BOK][B] Complexity management in fuzzy systems

A Gegov - 2007 - Springer
Doing research is a great adventure As any adventure sometimes it is hard You may feel
alone and with no idea where to go But if you have courage and press onwards You will …

Genetic fuzzy logic controller: an iterative evolution algorithm with new encoding method

YC Chiou, LW Lan - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2005 - Elsevier
Logic rules and membership functions are two key components of a fuzzy logic controller
(FLC). If only one component is learned, the other one is often set subjectively thus can …

Learning fuzzy rules for similarity assessment in case-based reasoning

N **ong - Expert systems with applications, 2011 - Elsevier
Fundamental to case-based reasoning is the assumption that similar problems have similar
solutions. The meaning of the concept of “similarity” can vary in different situations and …

Rule base reduction for knowledge-based fuzzy controllers with application to a vacuum cleaner

MK Ciliz - Expert Systems with Applications, 2005 - Elsevier
A rule base reduction and tuning algorithm is proposed as a design tool for the knowledge-
based fuzzy control of a vacuum cleaner. Given a set of expert-based control rules in a fuzzy …

A graph theory approach to fuzzy rule base simplification

C Fuchs, S Spolaor, MS Nobile, U Kaymak - International conference on …, 2020 - Springer
Fuzzy inference systems (FIS) gained popularity and found application in several fields of
science over the last years, because they are more transparent and interpretable than other …