Computational intelligence and feature selection: rough and fuzzy approaches
The rough and fuzzy set approaches presented here open up many new frontiers for
continued research and development Computational Intelligence and Feature Selection …
continued research and development Computational Intelligence and Feature Selection …
[PDF][PDF] Combining rough and fuzzy sets for feature selection
R Jensen - 2005 - academia.edu
Feature selection (FS) refers to the problem of selecting those input attributes that are most
predictive of a given outcome; a problem encountered in many areas such as machine …
predictive of a given outcome; a problem encountered in many areas such as machine …
Three novel fuzzy logic concepts applied to reshoring decision-making
This paper investigates the possibility of increasing the interpretability of fuzzy rules and
reducing the complexity when designing fuzzy rules. To achieve this, three novel fuzzy logic …
reducing the complexity when designing fuzzy rules. To achieve this, three novel fuzzy logic …
Swing-up control of an inverted pendulum cart system using the approach of Hedge-algebras theory
HL Bui, MN Pham, TTH Nguyen - Soft Computing, 2022 - Springer
The hedge-algebras (HA) theory has been effectively applied in different fields such as fuzzy
database, logic programming, classification and regression, data mining, linguistic database …
database, logic programming, classification and regression, data mining, linguistic database …
Fuzzy networks for complex systems
A Gegov - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. doi, 2010 - Springer
This book introduces the novel concept of a fuzzy network. In particular, it describes further
developments of some results from its predecessor book on Complexity Management in …
developments of some results from its predecessor book on Complexity Management in …
[BOK][B] Complexity management in fuzzy systems
A Gegov - 2007 - Springer
Doing research is a great adventure As any adventure sometimes it is hard You may feel
alone and with no idea where to go But if you have courage and press onwards You will …
alone and with no idea where to go But if you have courage and press onwards You will …
Genetic fuzzy logic controller: an iterative evolution algorithm with new encoding method
Logic rules and membership functions are two key components of a fuzzy logic controller
(FLC). If only one component is learned, the other one is often set subjectively thus can …
(FLC). If only one component is learned, the other one is often set subjectively thus can …
Learning fuzzy rules for similarity assessment in case-based reasoning
N **ong - Expert systems with applications, 2011 - Elsevier
Fundamental to case-based reasoning is the assumption that similar problems have similar
solutions. The meaning of the concept of “similarity” can vary in different situations and …
solutions. The meaning of the concept of “similarity” can vary in different situations and …
Rule base reduction for knowledge-based fuzzy controllers with application to a vacuum cleaner
MK Ciliz - Expert Systems with Applications, 2005 - Elsevier
A rule base reduction and tuning algorithm is proposed as a design tool for the knowledge-
based fuzzy control of a vacuum cleaner. Given a set of expert-based control rules in a fuzzy …
based fuzzy control of a vacuum cleaner. Given a set of expert-based control rules in a fuzzy …
A graph theory approach to fuzzy rule base simplification
Fuzzy inference systems (FIS) gained popularity and found application in several fields of
science over the last years, because they are more transparent and interpretable than other …
science over the last years, because they are more transparent and interpretable than other …