Operating system concepts for reconfigurable computing: review and survey
One of the key future challenges for reconfigurable computing is to enable higher design
productivity and a more easy way to use reconfigurable computing systems for users that are …
productivity and a more easy way to use reconfigurable computing systems for users that are …
A survey on hypervisor-based virtualization of embedded reconfigurable systems
The increase of size, capabilities, and speed of FPGAs enables the shared usage of
reconfigurable resources by multiple applications and even operating systems. While …
reconfigurable resources by multiple applications and even operating systems. While …
Virtualized execution and management of hardware tasks on a hybrid ARM-FPGA platform
Emerging hybrid reconfigurable platforms tightly couple capable processors with high
performance reconfigurable fabrics. This promises to move the focus of reconfigurable …
performance reconfigurable fabrics. This promises to move the focus of reconfigurable …
Hardware task scheduling for partially reconfigurable FPGAs
Partial reconfiguration (PR) of FPGAs can be used to dynamically extend and adapt the
functionality of computing systems, swap** in and out HW tasks. To coordinate the on …
functionality of computing systems, swap** in and out HW tasks. To coordinate the on …
Microkernel hypervisor for a hybrid ARM-FPGA platform
Reconfigurable architectures have found use in a wide range of application domains, but
mostly as static accelerators for computationally intensive functions. Commodity computing …
mostly as static accelerators for computationally intensive functions. Commodity computing …
Dynamic and partial reconfiguration of Zynq 7000 under Linux
Dynamic and partial reconfiguration is a well-known technique to update the configuration of
a field programmable gate array (FPGA) at runtime. ** in and out HW tasks. To coordinate the on …
a field programmable gate array (FPGA) at runtime. ** in and out HW tasks. To coordinate the on …
Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Computing: Concepts and Survey
Operating systems for reconfigurable computing (RCOS) facilitate the usage of Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). RCOSes abstract from hardware details, utilise …
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). RCOSes abstract from hardware details, utilise …
Demand driven assembly of fpga configurations using partial reconfiguration, ubuntu linux, and pynq
The PYNQ system (Python Productivity for Zynq) is notable for combining a monolithic
preconfigured bitstream, Ubuntu Linux, Python, and Jupyter notebooks to form an FPGA …
preconfigured bitstream, Ubuntu Linux, Python, and Jupyter notebooks to form an FPGA …