Visual semantic information pursuit: A survey
Visual semantic information comprises two important parts: the meaning of each visual
semantic unit and the coherent visual semantic relation conveyed by these visual semantic …
semantic unit and the coherent visual semantic relation conveyed by these visual semantic …
A hierarchical expected improvement method for Bayesian optimization
Abstract The Expected Improvement (EI) method, proposed by Jones, Schonlau, andWelch,
is a widely used Bayesian optimization method, which makes use of a fitted Gaussian …
is a widely used Bayesian optimization method, which makes use of a fitted Gaussian …
Scalable Bayesian variable selection using nonlocal prior densities in ultrahigh-dimensional settings
Bayesian model selection procedures based on nonlocal alternative prior densities are
extended to ultrahigh dimensional settings and compared to other variable selection …
extended to ultrahigh dimensional settings and compared to other variable selection …
What type of inference is planning?
Multiple types of inference are available for probabilistic graphical models, eg, marginal,
maximum-a-posteriori, and even marginal maximum-a-posteriori. Which one do researchers …
maximum-a-posteriori, and even marginal maximum-a-posteriori. Which one do researchers …
Credal marginal map
Credal networks extend Bayesian networks to allow for imprecision in probability values.
Marginal MAP is a widely applicable mixed inference task that identifies the most likely …
Marginal MAP is a widely applicable mixed inference task that identifies the most likely …
Probabilistic inference techniques for scalable multiagent decision making
Decentralized POMDPs provide an expressive framework for multiagent sequential decision
making. However, the complexity of these models--NEXP-Complete even for two agents …
making. However, the complexity of these models--NEXP-Complete even for two agents …
Multi-objective decision-theoretic planning
DM Roijers - AI Matters, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Decision making is hard. It often requires reasoning about uncertain environments, partial
observability and action spaces that are too large to enumerate. In such tasks decision …
observability and action spaces that are too large to enumerate. In such tasks decision …
[PDF][PDF] AND/OR Search for Marginal MAP.
Marginal MAP problems are known to be very difficult tasks for graphical models and are so
far solved exactly by systematic search guided by a join-tree upper bound. In this paper, we …
far solved exactly by systematic search guided by a join-tree upper bound. In this paper, we …
Bayesian network-based framework for cost-implication assessment of road traffic collisions
T Makaba, W Doorsamy, BS Paul - International journal of intelligent …, 2021 - Springer
Investigating the cost-implications of road traffic collision factors is an important endeavour
that has a direct impact on the economy, transport policies, cities and nations around the …
that has a direct impact on the economy, transport policies, cities and nations around the …