A global retrospective study on human cases of tetrodotoxin (TTX) poisoning after seafood consumption

L Guardone, A Maneschi, V Meucci… - Food reviews …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The presented global retrospective study on human cases of tetrodotoxin (TTX) intoxication
caused by seafood consumption was aimed at updating the relative risk according to …

Harmful algal blooms along the North American west coast region: History, trends, causes, and impacts

AJ Lewitus, RA Horner, DA Caron, E Garcia-Mendoza… - Harmful algae, 2012 - Elsevier
Along the Pacific coast of North America, from Alaska to Mexico, harmful algal blooms
(HABs) have caused losses to natural resources and coastal economies, and have resulted …

An overview of the marine food poisoning in Mexico

AP Sierra-Beltrán, A Cruz, E Núñez, LM Del Villar… - Toxicon, 1998 - Elsevier
In the course of the last decade, huge events related to harmful algal blooms (HAB) have
severely affected the environment in Mexico, even causing several human casualties. The …

An annotated checklist of dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) from the Mexican Pacific

YB Okolodkov, I Gárate-Lizárraga - Acta botánica mexicana, 2006 - scielo.org.mx
An annotated checklist of about 605 principally free-living dinoflagellate species and
infraspecific taxa from 91 genera reported from the Mexican Pacific is presented on the basis …

First Toxicological Analysis of the Pufferfish Sphoeroides pachygaster Collected in Italian Waters (Strait of Sicily): Role of Citizens Science in Monitoring Toxic Marine …

C Malloggi, B Rizzo, A Giusti, L Guardone, L Gasperetti… - Animals, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Human poisoning due to the unknowing consumption of toxic pufferfish
could represent a risk for EU citizens, as species currently present in the Mediterranean Sea …


M Montresor, U John, A Beran… - Journal of phycology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
A new species of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium, A. tamutum sp. nov., is described
based on the results of morphological and phylogenetic studies carried out on strains …

El estado actual del estudio de florecimientos algales nocivos en México

CJ Band-Schmidt, JJ Bustillos-Guzmán… - Hidrobiológica, 2011 - scielo.org.mx
Esta revisión da a conocer el estado de conocimiento de los estudios de Florecimientos
Algales Nocivos (FAN) en el ámbito marino en México, con el objeto de evaluar la manera …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of Different N:P Ratios on the Growth, Toxicity, and Toxin Profile of Gymnodinium catenatum (Dinophyceae) Strains from the Gulf of California

FE Hernández-Sandoval, JJ Bustillos-Guzmán… - Toxins, 2022 - mdpi.com
The harmful microalgae Gymnodinium catenatum is a unique naked dinoflagellate that
produces paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins (PSTs). This species is common along the …

Application of six detection methods for analysis of paralytic shellfish toxins in shellfish from four regions within Latin America

AD Turner, S Tarnovius, RG Hatfield, M Teixeira Alves… - Marine drugs, 2020 - mdpi.com
With the move away from use of mouse bioassay (MBA) to test bivalve mollusc shellfish for
paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins, countries around the world are having to adopt …

Total and methylmercury in three species of sea turtles of Baja California Sur

R Kampalath, SC Gardner… - Marine Pollution …, 2006 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
All seven species of sea turtle are currently classified as either endangered or threatened
with extinction. Due to the wide geographic area that they cover during their life cycle, sea …