The extraction of neural information from the surface EMG for the control of upper-limb prostheses: emerging avenues and challenges
Despite not recording directly from neural cells, the surface electromyogram (EMG) signal
contains information on the neural drive to muscles, ie, the spike trains of motor neurons …
contains information on the neural drive to muscles, ie, the spike trains of motor neurons …
Crossmodal correspondences: A tutorial review
C Spence - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2011 - Springer
In many everyday situations, our senses are bombarded by many different unisensory
signals at any given time. To gain the most veridical, and least variable, estimate of …
signals at any given time. To gain the most veridical, and least variable, estimate of …
Five mechanisms of sound symbolic association
Sound symbolism refers to an association between phonemes and stimuli containing
particular perceptual and/or semantic elements (eg, objects of a certain size or shape) …
particular perceptual and/or semantic elements (eg, objects of a certain size or shape) …
A Bayesian perspective on magnitude estimation
Our representation of the physical world requires judgments of magnitudes, such as
loudness, distance, or time. Interestingly, magnitude estimates are often not veridical but …
loudness, distance, or time. Interestingly, magnitude estimates are often not veridical but …
Perceptual inference, learning, and attention in a multisensory world
U Noppeney - Annual review of neuroscience, 2021 - annualreviews.org
Adaptive behavior in a complex, dynamic, and multisensory world poses some of the most
fundamental computational challenges for the brain, notably inference, decision-making …
fundamental computational challenges for the brain, notably inference, decision-making …
[HTML][HTML] Bayesian causal inference: A unifying neuroscience theory
Understanding of the brain and the principles governing neural processing requires theories
that are parsimonious, can account for a diverse set of phenomena, and can make testable …
that are parsimonious, can account for a diverse set of phenomena, and can make testable …
Benefits of multisensory learning
Studies of learning, and in particular perceptual learning, have focused on learning of stimuli
consisting of a single sensory modality. However, our experience in the world involves …
consisting of a single sensory modality. However, our experience in the world involves …
Causal inference in multisensory perception
Perceptual events derive their significance to an animal from their meaning about the world,
that is from the information they carry about their causes. The brain should thus be able to …
that is from the information they carry about their causes. The brain should thus be able to …
Enriched learning: Behavior, brain, and computation
The presence of complementary information across multiple sensory or motor modalities
during learning, referred to as multimodal enrichment, can markedly benefit learning …
during learning, referred to as multimodal enrichment, can markedly benefit learning …
Compressive map** of number to space reflects dynamic encoding mechanisms, not static logarithmic transform
The map** of number onto space is fundamental to measurement and mathematics.
However, the map** of young children, unschooled adults, and adults under attentional …
However, the map** of young children, unschooled adults, and adults under attentional …