[HTML][HTML] A brief review of random forests for water scientists and practitioners and their recent history in water resources
Random forests (RF) is a supervised machine learning algorithm, which has recently started
to gain prominence in water resources applications. However, existing applications are …
to gain prominence in water resources applications. However, existing applications are …
Frontiers in páramo water resources research: A multidisciplinary assessment
Interdisciplinary knowledge is necessary to achieve sustainable management of natural
resources. However, research is still often developed in an exclusively disciplinary manner …
resources. However, research is still often developed in an exclusively disciplinary manner …
Soil dissolved organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems: Global budget, spatial distribution and controls
Aims Soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a primary form of labile carbon in terrestrial
ecosystems, and therefore plays a vital role in soil carbon cycling. This study aims to quantify …
ecosystems, and therefore plays a vital role in soil carbon cycling. This study aims to quantify …
Moisture transport and seasonal variations in the stable isotopic composition of rainfall in Central American and Andean Páramo during El Niño conditions (2015 …
High‐elevation tropical grassland systems, called Páramo, provide essential ecosystem
services such as water storage and supply for surrounding and lowland areas. Páramo …
services such as water storage and supply for surrounding and lowland areas. Páramo …
A concerted research effort to advance the hydrological understanding of tropical páramos
Páramos, a neotropical alpine grassland‐peatland biome of the northern Andes and Central
America, play an essential role in regional and global cycles of water, carbon, and nutrients …
America, play an essential role in regional and global cycles of water, carbon, and nutrients …
Soil organic carbon in Andean high-mountain ecosystems: importance, challenges, and opportunities for carbon sequestration
The Andes region, a unique high-mountain environment, includes a wide variety of
ecosystems. A significant portion of the population depends on soil ecosystem services that …
ecosystems. A significant portion of the population depends on soil ecosystem services that …
Water transport and tracer mixing in volcanic ash soils at a tropical hillslope: A wet layered slo** sponge
Andosol soils formed in volcanic ash provide key hydrological services in montane
environments. To unravel the subsurface water transport and tracer mixing in these soils we …
environments. To unravel the subsurface water transport and tracer mixing in these soils we …
Bridging the gap from hydrological to biogeochemical processes using tracer-aided hydrological models in a tropical montane ecosystem
How simple or complex catchment models need to be is still unclear particularly for tracer-
aided models that go beyond hydrograph fitting. Here, we take advantage of a sub-daily …
aided models that go beyond hydrograph fitting. Here, we take advantage of a sub-daily …
Tracer‐aided modeling in the low‐relief, wet‐dry tropics suggests water ages and DOC export are driven by seasonal wetlands and deep groundwater
Our understanding of how wet‐dry tropical catchments process water and solutes remains
limited. In this study, we attempt to gain understanding of water and dissolved organic …
limited. In this study, we attempt to gain understanding of water and dissolved organic …
[HTML][HTML] Soil–vegetation–water interactions controlling solute flow and chemical weathering in volcanic ash soils of the high Andes
Vegetation plays a key role in the hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. It can influence
soil water fluxes and transport, which are critical for chemical weathering and soil …
soil water fluxes and transport, which are critical for chemical weathering and soil …