Integrated photon-pair sources with nonlinear optics

Y Wang, KD Jöns, Z Sun - Applied Physics Reviews, 2021 -
Assisted by the rapid development of photonic integrated circuits, scalable and versatile chip-
based quantum light sources with nonlinear optics are increasingly tangible for real-world …

[HTML][HTML] Path-entangled photon sources on nonlinear chips

AS Solntsev, AA Sukhorukov - Reviews in Physics, 2017 - Elsevier
Photon entanglement has a range of applications from secure communication to the tests of
quantum mechanics. Utilizing optical nonlinearity for the generation of entangled photons …

Broadband quadrature-squeezed vacuum and nonclassical photon number correlations from a nanophotonic device

VD Vaidya, B Morrison, LG Helt, R Shahrokshahi… - Science …, 2020 -
We report demonstrations of both quadrature-squeezed vacuum and photon number
difference squeezing generated in an integrated nanophotonic device. Squeezed light is …

Ultracompact quantum splitter of degenerate photon pairs

J He, BA Bell, A Casas-Bedoya, Y Zhang, AS Clark… - Optica, 2015 -
Integrated sources of indistinguishable photons have attracted a lot of attention because of
their applications in quantum communication and optical quantum computing. Here, we …

Photon‐Pair Generation with a 100 nm Thick Carbon Nanotube Film

KF Lee, Y Tian, H Yang, K Mustonen… - Advanced …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Nonlinear optics based on bulk materials is the current technique of choice for quantum‐
state generation and information processing. Scaling of nonlinear optical quantum devices …

CMOS-compatible photonic devices for single-photon generation

C **ong, B Bell, BJ Eggleton - Nanophotonics, 2016 -
Sources of single photons are one of the key building blocks for quantum photonic
technologies such as quantum secure communication and powerful quantum computing. To …

Dual-pump approach to photon-pair generation: demonstration of enhanced characterization and engineering capabilities

Y Zhang, R Spiniolas, K Shinbrough, B Fang… - Optics …, 2019 -
We experimentally study the generation of photon pairs via spontaneous four-wave mixing
with two distinct laser pulses. We find that the dual-pump technique enables new …

Photonic crystal waveguide sources of photons for quantum communication applications

C **ong, MJ Collins, MJ Steel, TF Krauss… - IEEE Journal of …, 2014 -
Reliable sources of photons will be required to develop many photonic quantum
technologies. Current on-demand sources are lacking in brightness, compactness, and …

Parasitic photon-pair suppression via photonic stop-band engineering

LG Helt, AM Brańczyk, M Liscidini, MJ Steel - Physical Review Letters, 2017 - APS
We calculate that an appropriate modification of the field associated with only one of the
photons of a photon pair can suppress generation of the pair entirely. From this general …

[HTML][HTML] Twin photon pairs in a high-Q silicon microresonator

S Rogers, X Lu, WC Jiang, Q Lin - Applied Physics Letters, 2015 -
We report the generation of high-purity twin photon pairs through cavity-enhanced non-
degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) in a high-Q silicon microdisk resonator. Twin photon …