Speech sounds production, narrative skills, and verbal memory of children with 22q11. 2 microdeletion
M Rakonjac, G Cuturilo, N Kovacevic-Grujicic… - Children, 2024 - mdpi.com
22q11. 2 deletion syndrome (22q11. 2DS), the most frequent microdeletion syndrome in
humans, is related to a high risk of develo** neurodevelopmental disorders. About 95% of …
humans, is related to a high risk of develo** neurodevelopmental disorders. About 95% of …
[HTML][HTML] Arterial presumed perinatal ischemic stroke: A mini review and case report of cognitive and speech-language profiles in a 5-year-old girl
I Bogavac, L Jeličić, M Marisavljević, T Bošković Matić… - Children, 2023 - mdpi.com
Arterial presumed perinatal ischemic stroke is a type of perinatal stroke that emerges due to
late or delayed diagnostics of perinatal or neonatal arterial ischemic stroke. It is usually …
late or delayed diagnostics of perinatal or neonatal arterial ischemic stroke. It is usually …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of antenatal maternal anxiety on the reactivity of fetal cerebral circulation to auditory stimulation, and early child development
M Vujović, M Sovilj, S Plešinac, M Rakonjac… - Srp Arh Celok …, 2019 - srpskiarhiv.rs
SUMMARY Introduction/Objective Antenatal maternal anxiety (AMA) can have negative
impact on child's pre-and postnatal development. The aim was to examine the effect of AMA …
impact on child's pre-and postnatal development. The aim was to examine the effect of AMA …
Korelacija stepena anksioznosti trudnice i reakcije fetusa na zvučni stimulus, kao indikator psihofiziološkog razvoja deteta tokom ranog postnatalnog perioda
MI Vujović - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Postojeći podaci i istraživanja na ljudima i životinjama ukazuju na to da emocionalni status
trudnice utiče na prenatalni i postnatalni razvoj ploda. Rezultati nedavnih studija pokazali su …
trudnice utiče na prenatalni i postnatalni razvoj ploda. Rezultati nedavnih studija pokazali su …