An overview of advances in signal processing techniques for classical and quantum wideband synthetic apertures
Rapid developments in synthetic aperture (SA) systems, which generate a larger aperture
with greater angular resolution than is inherently possible from the physical dimensions of a …
with greater angular resolution than is inherently possible from the physical dimensions of a …
Neural volumetric reconstruction for coherent synthetic aperture sonar
Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) measures a scene from multiple views in order to increase
the resolution of reconstructed imagery. Image reconstruction methods for SAS coherently …
the resolution of reconstructed imagery. Image reconstruction methods for SAS coherently …
Coherence-induced bias reduction in synthetic aperture sonar along-track micronavigation
Subwavelength motion estimation is vital for the production of focused synthetic aperture
sonar (SAS) imagery. The required precision is obtainable from the sonar data itself through …
sonar (SAS) imagery. The required precision is obtainable from the sonar data itself through …
GPU acceleration for synthetic aperture sonar image reconstruction
Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) image reconstruction, or beamforming as it is often referred
to within the SAS community, comprises a class of computationally intensive algorithms for …
to within the SAS community, comprises a class of computationally intensive algorithms for …
[HTML][HTML] An image quality improvement method in side-scan sonar based on deconvolution
J Liu, Y Pang, L Yan, H Zhu - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Side-scan sonar (SSS) is an important underwater imaging method that has high resolutions
and is convenient to use. However, due to the restriction of conventional pulse compression …
and is convenient to use. However, due to the restriction of conventional pulse compression …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of side-scan sonar resolution and acoustic shadow phenomenon on the quality of sonar imagery and data interpretation capabilities
A Grządziel - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Side-scan sonar is designed and used for a variety of survey work, in both military and
civilian fields. These systems provide acoustic imageries that play a significant role in a …
civilian fields. These systems provide acoustic imageries that play a significant role in a …
Sinr: Deconvolving circular sas images using implicit neural representations
Circular synthetic aperture sonars (CSAS) capture multiple observations of a scene to
reconstruct high-resolution images. We can characterize resolution by modeling CSAS …
reconstruct high-resolution images. We can characterize resolution by modeling CSAS …
Spatial coherence of speckle for repeat-pass synthetic aperture sonar micronavigation
Accurate positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles is a major challenge. The long-
term drift is problematic if global position updates are not available, and for applications …
term drift is problematic if global position updates are not available, and for applications …
[HTML][HTML] Unsupervised learning of platform motion in synthetic aperture sonar
Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) provides high-resolution acoustic imaging by processing
coherently the backscattered signal recorded over consecutive **s as the bearing platform …
coherently the backscattered signal recorded over consecutive **s as the bearing platform …
Estimating AUV Motion Using a Dual-Sided Synthetic Aperture Sonar
The navigation and localization of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in complex
underwater environments are challenging. Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) can provide a …
underwater environments are challenging. Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) can provide a …