Compositions of kimberlite melts: A review of melt inclusions in kimberlite minerals
The paper presents a comprehensive review of currently available data on melt inclusions
entrapped in minerals of kimberlites of different age and different provenance in ancient …
entrapped in minerals of kimberlites of different age and different provenance in ancient …
Alkali-carbonate melts from the base of cratonic lithospheric mantle: Links to kimberlites
Identification of the primary compositions of mantle-derived melts is crucial for
understanding mantle compositions and physical conditions of mantle melting. However …
understanding mantle compositions and physical conditions of mantle melting. However …
Can primitive kimberlite melts be alkali‐carbonate liquids: Composition of the melt snapshots preserved in deepest mantle xenoliths
The study of kimberlite rocks is important as they provide critical information regarding the
composition and dynamics of the continental mantle and are the principal source of …
composition and dynamics of the continental mantle and are the principal source of …
Reworking of Archean mantle in the NE Siberian craton by carbonatite and silicate melt metasomatism: Evidence from a carbonate-bearing, dunite-to-websterite …
The Obnazhennaya kimberlite in the NE Siberian craton hosts a most unusual cratonic
xenolith suite, with common rocks rich in pyroxenes and garnet, and no sheared peridotites …
xenolith suite, with common rocks rich in pyroxenes and garnet, and no sheared peridotites …
Olivine in kimberlites: magma evolution from deep mantle to eruption
Elucidating the origin, composition and physical properties of primary kimberlite melts is
crucial to our understanding of their source, petrogenesis, ascent mechanisms and …
crucial to our understanding of their source, petrogenesis, ascent mechanisms and …
Solidus and melting of carbonated phlogopite peridotite at 3–6.5 GPa: Implications for mantle metasomatism
It is well known that water significantly lowers mantle solidi. But it turns out this paradigm is
not always true. Here, we studied the interaction of K-rich carbonate melts with the natural …
not always true. Here, we studied the interaction of K-rich carbonate melts with the natural …
Was crustal contamination involved in the formation of the serpentine-free Udachnaya-East kimberlite? New insights into parental melts, liquidus assemblage and …
Abstract The petrologically unique Udachnaya-East kimberlite (Siberia, Russia) is
characterised by unserpentinised and H2O-poor volcaniclastic and coherent units that …
characterised by unserpentinised and H2O-poor volcaniclastic and coherent units that …
Mineral Assemblage of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in a Mantle Xenolith from the V. Grib Kimberlite Pipe: Direct Evidence for the Presence of an Alkali-Rich …
This report deals with the first mineralogical examination of secondary crystallized melt
inclusions (CMIs) in healed cracks within olivine in a mantle peridotite xenolith from the V …
inclusions (CMIs) in healed cracks within olivine in a mantle peridotite xenolith from the V …
Confocal Raman spectroscopic study of melt inclusions in olivine of mantle xenoliths from the Bultfontein kimberlite pipe (Kimberley cluster, South Africa): Evidence for …
Identifying the composition of primary/primitive mantle melts is crucial for understanding the
mantle's evolution and mantle‐derived magmatism. Melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths …
mantle's evolution and mantle‐derived magmatism. Melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths …
Kelyphite around garnet in unaltered lherzolite xenolith from the Udachnaya pipe (Siberian Craton): formation exclusively via interaction with kimberlite melt
Garnet grains in mantle-derived peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites are surrounded by fine-
grained aggregate of epigenetic minerals known as kelyphite. Existing models propose …
grained aggregate of epigenetic minerals known as kelyphite. Existing models propose …