Free descriptions of convex sets

E Levin, V Chandrasekaran - ar** one finite sequence of positive integers to another from a representation theoretic …

Symmetry in Turán sums of squares polynomials from flag algebras

A Raymond, M Singh… - Algebraic …, 2018 -
Turán problems in extremal combinatorics ask to find asymptotic bounds on the edge
densities of graphs and hypergraphs that avoid specified subgraphs. The theory of flag …

Symmetry adapted Gram spectrahedra

A Heaton, S Hosten, I Shankar - SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and …, 2021 - SIAM
This paper explores the geometric structure of the spectrahedral cone, called the symmetry
adapted positive semidefinite (PSD) cone, and the symmetry adapted Gram spectrahedron …

Symmetries in polynomial optimization

P Moustrou, C Riener, H Verdure - Polynomial Optimization, Moments, and …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter investigates how symmetries can be used to reduce the computational
complexity in polynomial optimization problems. A focus will be specifically given on the …

Symmetry reduction to optimize a graph-based polynomial from queueing theory

SC Polak - SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 2022 - SIAM
For given integers n and d, both at least 2, we consider a homogeneous multivariate
polynomial f_d of degree d in variables indexed by the edges of the complete graph on n …

A convex form that is not a sum of squares

J Saunderson - Mathematics of Operations Research, 2023 -
Every convex homogeneous polynomial (or form) is nonnegative. Blekherman has shown
that there exist convex forms that are not sums of squares via a nonconstructive argument …

Simple graph density inequalities with no sum of squares proofs

G Blekherman, A Raymond, M Singh, RR Thomas - Combinatorica, 2020 - Springer
Establishing inequalities among graph densities is a central pursuit in extremal
combinatorics. A standard tool to certify the nonnegativity of a graph density expression is to …