Diffusional conductances to CO2 as a target for increasing photosynthesis and photosynthetic water-use efficiency
A key objective for sustainable agriculture and forestry is to breed plants with both high
carbon gain and water-use efficiency (WUE). At the level of leaf physiology, this implies …
carbon gain and water-use efficiency (WUE). At the level of leaf physiology, this implies …
Mesophyll conductance to CO2: current knowledge and future prospects
During photosynthesis, CO2 moves from the atmosphere (Ca) surrounding the leaf to the
sub‐stomatal internal cavities (Ci) through stomata, and from there to the site of …
sub‐stomatal internal cavities (Ci) through stomata, and from there to the site of …
Physiological and structural tradeoffs underlying the leaf economics spectrum
The leaf economics spectrum (LES) represents a suite of intercorrelated leaf traits
concerning construction costs per unit leaf area, nutrient concentrations, and rates of carbon …
concerning construction costs per unit leaf area, nutrient concentrations, and rates of carbon …
Carbon isotopes and water use efficiency: sense and sensitivity
We revisit the relationship between plant water use efficiency and carbon isotope signatures
(δ 13 C) of plant material. Based on the definitions of intrinsic, instantaneous and integrated …
(δ 13 C) of plant material. Based on the definitions of intrinsic, instantaneous and integrated …
Photosynthetic limitations in response to water stress and recovery in Mediterranean plants with different growth forms
Whether photosynthesis is limited during water stress and recovery because of diffusive or
biochemical factors is still open to debate, and apparent contradictions appear when various …
biochemical factors is still open to debate, and apparent contradictions appear when various …
Role of mesophyll diffusion conductance in constraining potential photosynthetic productivity in the field
Limited mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2 (gm) can significantly constrain plant
photosynthesis, but the extent of g m-limitation is still imperfectly known. As gm scales …
photosynthesis, but the extent of g m-limitation is still imperfectly known. As gm scales …
Photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiencies along the terrestrial plant's phylogeny: lessons for improving crop photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is the basis of all life on Earth. Surprisingly, until very recently, data on
photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiencies, and photosynthesis limitations in terrestrial land …
photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiencies, and photosynthesis limitations in terrestrial land …
Leaf internal diffusion conductance limits photosynthesis more strongly in older leaves of Mediterranean evergreen broad‐leaved species
Leaf age‐dependent changes in structure, nitrogen content, internal mesophyll diffusion
conductance (gm), the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax) and the …
conductance (gm), the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax) and the …
Stand aside stomata, another actor deserves centre stage: the forgotten role of the internal conductance to CO2 transfer
Internal conductance describes the movement of CO2 from substomatal cavities to sites of
carboxylation. Internal conductance has now been measured in approximately 50 species …
carboxylation. Internal conductance has now been measured in approximately 50 species …
Internal conductance does not scale with photosynthetic capacity: implications for carbon isotope discrimination and the economics of water and nitrogen use in …
Central paradigms of ecophysiology are that there are recognizable and even explicit and
predictable patterns among species, genera, and life forms in the economics of water and …
predictable patterns among species, genera, and life forms in the economics of water and …