Theoretical advances in polariton chemistry and molecular cavity quantum electrodynamics
When molecules are coupled to an optical cavity, new light–matter hybrid states, so-called
polaritons, are formed due to quantum light–matter interactions. With the experimental …
polaritons, are formed due to quantum light–matter interactions. With the experimental …
Understanding polaritonic chemistry from ab initio quantum electrodynamics
In this review, we present the theoretical foundations and first-principles frameworks to
describe quantum matter within quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the low-energy regime …
describe quantum matter within quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the low-energy regime …
Polaritonic response theory for exact and approximate wave functions
Polaritonic chemistry is an interdisciplinary emerging field that presents several challenges
and opportunities in chemistry, physics, and engineering. A systematic review of polaritonic …
and opportunities in chemistry, physics, and engineering. A systematic review of polaritonic …
Ab Initio Calculations of Quantum Light–Matter Interactions in General Electromagnetic Environments
The emerging field of strongly coupled light–matter systems has drawn significant attention
in recent years because of the prospect of altering both the physical and chemical properties …
in recent years because of the prospect of altering both the physical and chemical properties …
Relativistic linear response in quantum-electrodynamical density functional theory
We present the theoretical derivation and numerical implementation of the linear response
equations for relativistic quantum electrodynamical density functional theory (QEDFT). In …
equations for relativistic quantum electrodynamical density functional theory (QEDFT). In …
Nonperturbative mass renormalization effects in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics
In this work we investigate the effects that multimode photonic environments, eg, optical
cavities, have on the properties of quantum matter. We highlight the importance of the …
cavities, have on the properties of quantum matter. We highlight the importance of the …
Tunable nonlinearity and efficient harmonic generation from a strongly coupled light–matter system
Strong light–matter coupling within electromagnetic environments provides a promising path
to modify and control chemical and physical processes. The origin of the enhancement of …
to modify and control chemical and physical processes. The origin of the enhancement of …
The connection of polaritonic chemistry with the physics of a spin glass
Polaritonic chemistry has garnered increasing attention in recent years due to pioneering
experimental results, which show that site-and bond-selective chemistry at room …
experimental results, which show that site-and bond-selective chemistry at room …
Nonlinear optical processes in centrosymmetric systems by cavity-induced symmetry breaking
Nonlinear optical processes associated with even-order nonlinear susceptibilities are critical
for both classical and quantum technologies. Inversion symmetry, however, prevents …
for both classical and quantum technologies. Inversion symmetry, however, prevents …
Cavity-mediated molecular entanglement and generation of non-classical states of light
The generation and control of entanglement in a quantum mechanical system are critical
elements of nearly all quantum applications. Molecular systems are promising candidates …
elements of nearly all quantum applications. Molecular systems are promising candidates …