A study on factors affecting combustion characteristics of GCSC injector

Y Wang, J Son, CH Sohn - 한국연소학회지, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
Factors affecting the combustion characteristics of gas-centered swirl coaxial (GCSC)
injectors are investigated numerically and experimentally. The factors are fuel volume flow …

An Experimental Assessment of Combustion Stability of Coaxial Swirl Injectors and an Im**ing Injector through Simulating Combustion Test

J Park, H Kim - Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion, 2017 - koreascience.kr
High-frequency combustion instabilities may occur during the development of feasible
engine combustors. These instabilities can result in irreparable damages to the wall of …

상압기상연소시험을 통한 동축형 스월 분사기와 충돌형 분사기의 연소안정성 평가

박준형, 김홍집 - KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 2014 - dbpia.co.kr
This study was aimed to assess combustion stability for coaxial swirl injector and FOOF
im**ing injector which would be candidates in liquid rocket engine combustors …

기체 중심 스월 동축 분사기 간 거리에 따른 화염 형상 변화

조천현, 손채훈, 윤영빈 - KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
만 분사기 중심의 jet flame 이 각각 형성되고 그길이가 상대적으로 짧다는 것을 관찰할 수 있다.
Swirl flame 의 경우 본 연구에 추가하지 못하였지만 15 mm 와 동일하게 산화제가 …

[PDF][PDF] 동축형 분사기의 연소 특성에 영향을 주는 인자에 관한 연구

Y Wang, J Son, CH Sohn - J. Korean Soc. Combust, 2019 - static5.apub.kr
Factors affecting the combustion characteristics of gas-centered swirl coaxial (GCSC)
injectors are investigated numerically and experimentally. The factors are fuel volume flow …

아르곤이온 레이저를 이용한 확산화염 내 PAH 의 LIF 신호 측정에 LII 신호가 미치는 영향

안태국, 배승만, 이원남, 박선호 - 한국연소학회지, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
The effect of LII interference on the measurement of LIF signals from PAH in a diffusion flame
has been investigated. Argon-ion laser at 488 nm was vertically or horizontally polarized …

The Effect of LII Interference on the Measurement of PAH's LIF Signals using Ar-Ion Laser

T Ahn, S Bae, W Lee, S Park - Journal of the Korean Society of …, 2018 - koreascience.kr
The effect of LII interference on the measurement of LIF signals from PAH in a diffusion flame
has been investigated. Argon-ion laser at 488 nm was vertically or horizontally polarized …