A review of psychophysiological measures to assess cognitive states in real-world driving
As driving functions become increasingly automated, motorists run the risk of becoming
cognitively removed from the driving process. Psychophysiological measures may provide …
cognitively removed from the driving process. Psychophysiological measures may provide …
HeartPy: A novel heart rate algorithm for the analysis of noisy signals
Heart rate data are often collected in human factors studies, including those into vehicle
automation. Advances in open hardware platforms and off-the-shelf photoplethysmogram …
automation. Advances in open hardware platforms and off-the-shelf photoplethysmogram …
Facial video-based remote physiological measurement via self-supervised learning
Facial video-based remote physiological measurement aims to estimate remote
photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals from human facial videos and then measure multiple …
photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals from human facial videos and then measure multiple …
A comprehensive accuracy assessment of Samsung smartwatch heart rate and heart rate variability
Background Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a low-cost and easy-to-implement method to
measure vital signs, including heart rate (HR) and pulse rate variability (PRV) which widely …
measure vital signs, including heart rate (HR) and pulse rate variability (PRV) which widely …
Detecting beats in the photoplethysmogram: benchmarking open-source algorithms
The photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal is widely used in pulse oximeters and smartwatches.
A fundamental step in analysing the PPG is the detection of heartbeats. Several PPG beat …
A fundamental step in analysing the PPG is the detection of heartbeats. Several PPG beat …
Automated driving reduces perceived workload, but monitoring causes higher cognitive load than manual driving
Driver mental workload is an important factor in the operational safety of automated driving.
In this study, workload was evaluated subjectively (NASA R-TLX) and objectively (auditory …
In this study, workload was evaluated subjectively (NASA R-TLX) and objectively (auditory …
[HTML][HTML] Trends in heart rate and heart rate variability during pregnancy and the 3-month postpartum period: continuous monitoring in a free-living context
Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive method that reflects the regulation
of the autonomic nervous system. Altered HRV is associated with adverse mental or physical …
of the autonomic nervous system. Altered HRV is associated with adverse mental or physical …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of increased mental workload of air traffic controllers on time perception: Behavioral and physiological evidence
E Balta, A Psarrakis, A Vatakis - Applied Ergonomics, 2024 - Elsevier
Research has shown that timing is modulated by mental workload, making duration
judgments a measure of cognitive demand, alongside subjective assessments, and …
judgments a measure of cognitive demand, alongside subjective assessments, and …
pyPPG: a Python toolbox for comprehensive photoplethysmography signal analysis
Objective. Photoplethysmography is a non-invasive optical technique that measures
changes in blood volume within tissues. It is commonly and being increasingly used for a …
changes in blood volume within tissues. It is commonly and being increasingly used for a …
Using explainable AI to investigate electrocardiogram changes during healthy aging—From expert features to raw signals
Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading global cause of mortality. Age is an important
covariate whose effect is most easily investigated in a healthy cohort to properly distinguish …
covariate whose effect is most easily investigated in a healthy cohort to properly distinguish …