A survey on personality-aware recommendation systems
With the emergence of personality computing as a new research field related to artificial
intelligence and personality psychology, we have witnessed an unprecedented proliferation …
intelligence and personality psychology, we have witnessed an unprecedented proliferation …
[HTML][HTML] Experiential characterization of materials in product design: A literature review
Driven by the competitive market that product designers face today, a growing interest
emerges in exploring experiential material qualities to enhance product experience. The …
emerges in exploring experiential material qualities to enhance product experience. The …
Predicting user behavior in electronic markets based on personality-mining in large online social networks: A personality-based product recommender framework
R Buettner - Electronic Markets, 2017 - Springer
Determining a user's preferences is an important condition for effectively operating
automatic recommendation systems. Since personality theory claims that a user's …
automatic recommendation systems. Since personality theory claims that a user's …
[PDF][PDF] How consumers perceive product appearance: The identification of three product appearance attributes
The appearance attributes of designed products noted in the literature often reflect what
designers themselves perceive in a product design. This present research, however …
designers themselves perceive in a product design. This present research, however …
Gender ambiguous, not genderless: Designing gender in voice user interfaces (VUIs) with sensitivity
SJ Sutton - Proceedings of the 2nd conference on conversational …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
In 2019, UNESCO's report [36] highlighting sexism, and the release of'Q The genderless
voice'[38] 1, triggered a waking-up to issues of gender in voice assistants. However, there is …
voice'[38] 1, triggered a waking-up to issues of gender in voice assistants. However, there is …
The effect of virtual sales agent (VSA) gender–product gender congruence on product advice credibility, trust in VSA and online vendor, and purchase intention
Online vendors are increasingly using virtual sales assistants (VSA), either in the form of an
animated picture or a photograph of a real person, to help customers with their product …
animated picture or a photograph of a real person, to help customers with their product …
UNISON framework of data-driven innovation for extracting user experience of product design of wearable devices
KY Lin, CF Chien, R Kerh - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
For consumer products, the time-to-market pressure and market share competition are
intensive due to the shortening product life cycles. Product form design that contributes to …
intensive due to the shortening product life cycles. Product form design that contributes to …
Judging a socially assistive robot by its cover: the effect of body structure, outline, and color on users' perception
Socially assistive robots (SARs) aim to provide assistance through social interaction.
Previous studies contributed to understanding users' perceptions and preferences regarding …
Previous studies contributed to understanding users' perceptions and preferences regarding …
Designers' professional identity: personal attributes and design skills
Professional Identity (PI) is a social-and self-perceptive construct that describes how people
understand themselves as professionals. PI guides professional development by sha** …
understand themselves as professionals. PI guides professional development by sha** …
The face of trust: The effect of robot face ratio on consumer preference
As one of the latest applications in the era of artificial intelligence, a social robot is playing a
more and more important role in our daily life. However, few attempts to date have been …
more and more important role in our daily life. However, few attempts to date have been …